Mundane News

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Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
This morning we're moving son no. 2 back to university; cue two cars for this trip and three bikes. It's a two-stage affair with another three bikes plus more stuff in a fortnight after the Irish track nationals.

Just how he's got more than two cars' worth of stuff already I don't know :wacko:
This morning we're moving son no. 2 back to university; cue two cars for this trip and three bikes. It's a two-stage affair with another three bikes plus more stuff in a fortnight after the Irish track nationals.

Just how he's got more than two cars' worth of stuff already I don't know :wacko:

I've got an image of all of the cars that follow the TdF loaded down with bikes !


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
No rain forecast but I can see a shower passing down the other side of the Sound.

At 0755 my car vanished off down to the garage for an MOT. Very handy service but I do not know how many people get this.

Driving could be difficult just now anyway as highland bulls are reported loose again on the main road.
There has been a landslide at Gribun which is a road I sometimes cycle on. Road blocked. I have put up pictures in the past which show the cliffs which are a bit unstable and large rocks falling are not uncommon.
A local haulier taking this route once found out too late that the road was blocked and had to reverse his lorry about a mile before he had enough room to turn round.

Calmac have managed to get information out on one text telling us a ferry is delayed due to a broken down car on the car deck. Must be a record of some kind or else somebody [not me] has been complaining about the blizzard of messages to give simple information.
In the past I was approached by a local who had a van with a defective battery asking if I would tow him off the ferry to get a bump start as my van had a towbar to attach his rope to. He obviously came prepared but nowadays I doubt Calmac would allow such things.

I identify with @Reynard and her car contents. Mine is probably worse and I keep referring to it as a van when it is in fact a car. :ohmy:
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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Dog's been walked, then dropped back home whilst I continued my walk to Daktari for a repeat prescription & an appointment for a prostate check.
I hope it's with one with small hands. 🖐️


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I meant to add this morning that Corran ferry is back on but just as well I did not as it is broken down again and out of service.
Re cars broken down on the ferry. Our “Head Girl” was given an Austin A30 but lost her keys while travelling on the ferry. The car had a few free trips to Oban and back until she found them in the waistband of her trousers. :ohmy:
She was not an A30 person and I got a lift once in her mini. She drove like Jehu to quote somebody ie furiously and on the single track roads swore a lot at inept touroid ( in a ladylike fashion of course):laugh:


Leg End Member
Modern technology, replacing the old hand implements.

Where will this all end?
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