Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
More people walking around carrying paperwork


Vice Admiral
After all the blustery days here in Hundred Acre Wood, there are some damaged tiles on the roof.

Warm and occasionally sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept so-so as my brain struggled somewhat to switch off after last night's information overload. The morning's tasks included picking some more cherry tomatoes - they're all ripening really quickly now - and poaching the chicken breasts I bought on Saturday night. After removing Madam Lexi's share. The chicken is currently cooling in the poaching liquid (containing half a stock cube, a few peppercorns, a clove of garlic and a bay leaf and sprig of rosemary from the garden). I've also done a load of prep for tonight's supper.

I plan on going to the community orchard this afternoon to pick a few more greengages. That first lot were really lovely. There's also some early apples that should just about be ready, so will bring a few of those home with me too. Some fried apple slices will go down very well with what I'm planning for tonight's dinner.

Aaaaanyways, it is time for luncheon, and I has a hungry.


Round 1 of testing old inner tubes completed. Two with faulty valves binned. Two into the repechage as not sure currently. One needs a twin "snake bite" repatching and five seem okay.
Had a lovely luncheon of a smoked Polish sausage & cheese sandwich, an orange, two plums, some blueberries and two :cuppa:

Finished puttering about in the kitchen, and then popped out to the community orchard in the company of Wiggy #2, the Chartres. Picked three and a half kilos of greengages, the balance of which will go for jam. I adore greengage jam! :hungry:

Was quite funny though, most people have been picking the fruit from a variety that's not as nice, but that just happens to be right by the gate into the orchard. I did a comparative taste test and plumped for the same greengages I picked last week. Also picked some early cookers (Red Victoria and Jolly Miller) and some dessert apples (Wayside) to try.

Avoided the forecast showers entirely, it was warm enough for the arm warmers to stay in the bottom of the pannier, and my rain jacket ended up being pressed into service to wrap the apples in.

Just been sitting back enjoying a nice :cuppa:
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