Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Working day completed
Tonight's culinary delights will be pasta , sausage , mushrooms, peas , and baby sweetcorn in a tomato sauce :hungry:
1st hiccup of the day

tire shop fixed me up. $10
tire plug.jpg
I was just reading another thread about electric bikes regarding the law .
I wondered if it would be simpler just to have a device which would just give each leg an electric shock which you could alter the speed .
A bit like those tests they used to show of a frog's leg being given an electric shock ! :whistle:

Can we fit something similar to car seats?
"You have passed a 30mph speed limit, and are travelling ....fif...teen miles per hour too fast. Shock will be administered in 3...2...1..."
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Can we fit something similar to car seats?
"You have passed a 30mph speed limit, and are travelling ....fif...teen miles per hour too fast. Shock will be administered in 3...2...1..."
There's a few of those speed indicator signs on the local roads. They flash up a notification of your current speed and a " Thank You " or " Slow Down " message. If the were fitted with ANPR cameras then they could display the amount you were going to be fined depending on how much over the limit you were going " £30 - £50 - £ 100 "
They could also be programmed with more pithy language depending on speed, such as " W*nker, Bell end , Tw*t " etc.
Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast with Polish sausage, plus an orange, two greengages, some blueberries and the obligatory two :cuppa:

Finished sorting out the stuff that was in the boot of the Fabia. Cushions and blankets have been redistributed to suitable domestic locations, coats hung up on the rack, unneeded tools consigned to the garage etc. Everything that went into the boot of the Rapid now fits in one single medium cardboard box.

Was about to go to the community orchard and the heavens opened, so stayed at home and did some more writing.

Now sat with a :cuppa: and a shortbread finger while watching the evening news.
Time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.
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