Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
My ears survived the swimming pool 🏊

I now in the Drovers Cafe drinking tea.

Salted Caramel M & M's are being shared. So far, I've had one yellow one and ½ a dozen green ones.
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But what it really means is that whoever is left in the office is not happy about that. Their tactic is to kick the job down the road for the responsible when they return.
Urlaubstermine Verteiligung!

I doubt it, they're happy to have people here because they're off the "unemployed" list so they can forget about them for half a year.

If anything, the situation is even worse; my colleague found that the person responsible had changed; the old 'responsible' person didn't see fit to tell us this, nor to respond or forward the email when we sent them the request for an extension, so we knew nothing.

When my colleague chased the matter up, she was told the new person responsible was on holiday and it took a while before the person covering for them was able to find out what was going on.

This is unfortunately common, and then people wonder why clients fall off the radar...


Legendary Member
Good afternoon from a (finally) sunny & warm Suffolk - although it definitely wasn't warm when leaving for work this morning.

One hour and a mug of coffee left to go in the working day - it's been a bit of a quiet one and I even resorted to doing a bit of online training earlier. Somehow I managed to complete a 2 hour Information Security course in 15 minutes!


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Back home now. Bin's bin emptied. I've cut re grass so feel that I've earned a snooze on the settee..


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sun has stayed hidden all day but no rain and light N wind.
Took trike out for a run up Loch Etive. Very little traffic and no quarry lorries who appear to be operating at night just now. Lots of rubber on the road in places tho’ so somebody has been having scary moments.
Hay cutting and baling seems to be well under way. Must be a second cut surely.
A few cyclists and to my surprise I was addressed by name when I met a club cyclist honking up Queen’s Brae.
Nobody I know so son must have been telling club mates about my strange mode of cycling.
One strange middle aged pair passed on bikes and I clearly did not exist. Not a flicker.
Stopped at Ardchattan Priory for a snack and another middle aged pair appeared on a tandem. The man steering had a very intense look and again I was not there but the stoker managed a small wave.
Do all male cyclists about 60 or over have large bushy beards as both males who passed looked the same? :ohmy:
Lots of Martins feeding but could not get a clear enough sight to tell if Sand or House Martins.
On the way back to base I got up the dreaded Queen’s Brae in 2nd gear with no real struggle so must be getting fitter.
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