Mundane News

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"Taking it easy" isn't part of the agenda with my insatiably curious daughter: she wanted to see everything.

We eventually flew Newcastle-Amsterdam-Stuttgart, after arriving at the airport ridiculously early to counter the industrial action on Friday. This made a two hour flight into a 12 hour journey, but such is life.

Finally back in my apartment near Freiburg.

It was a very strange feeling to sit on a fairly full southbound Karlsruhe-Basel train when I'd been in a similarly crowded Edinburgh bound train exactly 24h earlier.
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I am now debating whether to move my dining room table half a metre to the left.

This would give more space in the middle of the room but would also displace the clothes horse.
Lovely lunch of hummus on toast, an apple, an orange and two :cuppa:

Have enjoyed watching the mixed team time trial.
I'm down on the Cambridgeshire/Norfolk border in the back end of nowhere with son no. 1. Where's the sun gone?


Oh, and another observation: the roads are bumpy. Is that to make up for the lack of hills or a speed control method?

We get Dutch Hills here. No need for hilly hills. It's more like the latter, but it's also good for breaking cars and ejecting unwary cyclists into the scenery.

It's simply down to the soil being unstable due to the massive difference between wet & dry volume.
While out doing errands after returning from the UK, I found I was being followed by a sort of dark patch on the road. When I asked the native population they claimed this was called a "shadow", which was created by the "Sun". This latter word was used in reference to a curious yellow disc in the sky which was also credited with making it warm. Indeed I was persuaded to take off my raincoat and fleece, and even roll up my shirt sleeves. The locals seemed unperturbed by this phenomenon, and assured me I did not have to notify a policeman.
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