Mundane News

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Senior Member
Out shopping in the Singapore Chinatown area last night. Formerly one of the ethnic enclaves created when the city was a British colony. Rows of old 'shop houses' flying the flag in the tropical dusk before National Day tomorrow. Here's an explanation of how these buildings are being preserved.

Thought you were taking it easy whilst over here!

That notwithstanding, how did you get out?

"Taking it easy" isn't part of the agenda with my insatiably curious daughter: she wanted to see everything.

We eventually flew Newcastle-Amsterdam-Stuttgart, after arriving at the airport ridiculously early to counter the industrial action on Friday. This made a two hour flight into a 12 hour journey, but such is life.
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It is wet here although not raining at the moment.
I continued to carry out my research into what places were shut yesterday . Just after 7 last night I decided to nip out to our local PC World as our mouse had stopped working . They were shut ! They are now shut at 7 and not 8 like they used to be . :angry:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Looks to be a nice few days according to forecasts.
Off on my travels and will end up knackered as after shopping I hope to get some decent runs on the trike.
No nasty text messages from Calmac.
The problem last week was a bolt sticking out of one of the pier supports where they had probably hit the pier too hard. The fear was that if they hit the bolt it could cause damage to the vessel's hull which would have been worse so that boat out of service till the problem was fixed.
It seems somebody local got fed up waiting and hit the bolt with a large hammer and so solved that problem. :whistle:
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