Mundane News

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Nice dry sunny day not a lazy sunny day by any means but nice enough.
Finally a day I can get the bedding out on the line and not worry about having to dry it in side.
House cleaning this afternoon ready for the the gas service tomorrow.
Along with moving a few things round in the bedroom so they can get to boiler.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Enjoyable 20 miles to Harleston Firs & Pitsford, with a mate, to eat Wedges & drink tea.
Lots of wasps to whisk away from the table today!
I'm glad I didn't go for the sugary doughnut option! 😂
Warm, overcast and a bit blustery here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well but still feel awful. Am bunged up and shivery, but at least my nose has stopped leaking. I did putter about in the garden a bit this morning. Potted on some herbs and fed the triffids amongst other things. Also poached some chicken portions. Some will be for tonight's supper, will keep the stock to cook the rice for a load of Nasi Goreng.

Had a ham & mustard sandwich, an orange, an apple and two :cuppa: for luncheon.

Now sat with a hot water bottle and am watching the BMX while working on some writing.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Stayed dry all day so far but did nothing much outside.
Somehow I have lost/mislaid brake pads for the trike. They were put somewhere safe along with the two allen keys needed to change the pads at some future date.
I assumed they were in the bag which goes with the trike but not there and not in the seat back pocket either. I seem to think that some tools were left in the van and they may have been included with them but cannot find them either.
Spent ages searching everywhere likely and then on to unlikely places but still no joy.
The car interior will have to be stripped out the next convenient day as I am convinced they are in there somewhere.
Old age strikes again. :ohmy:


Leg End Member
Entering our 5th hour at Kettering general hospital and getting bored is an understatement.
Waiting for results of a CT scan to check for internal bleed on swmbo so could be a long time yet .
Cost a lot of money tea is yuk
But otherwise all is good considering
The waiting around is the worst part. You've nowhere you can go, and a lot of time to do it in.
Hope its okay though.
Certainly helps clear the sinuses! :biggrin:

I've a Thai red curry paste that I could sell to NASA for rocket fuel.

can't beat a good hot thai red curry to sort you out. I made a nice nasi goreng at the weekend, two fried eggs on top, magic! Much hotter home made than I've had it over there, but a breakfast dish locally which might explain it?


Said yes, there must be a catch I have not spotted. Work amalgamated into a bigger organisation and they have done a comparative assessment of everyones jobs and offered me £4000 extra a year. Only catch I can see is 10p/mile less paid on car mileage (which equals a bit less tax paid on the other hand) . And do I want it back dated to April is a bit of a silly question.
can't beat a good hot thai red curry to sort you out. I made a nice nasi goreng at the weekend, two fried eggs on top, magic! Much hotter home made than I've had it over there, but a breakfast dish locally which might explain it?

I did make a Thai red curry the other day, with pork, mushrooms and spring greens. And very nice it was too. Not exactly authentic, but am making use of stuff that I've got knocking around.

Am having to be a bit inventive with food on account of still having to grocery shop by bicycle.


Took Friday and Monday off work, moved my daughter from halls into her first student house yesterday and today ended up having a very pleasant day.

went out on a nice 75 mile loop on my motorcycle. No mates, just by myself.





came back and cut the grass.


helped Mrs Gunk with her business and did some bookkeeping


and then a barbecue and a couple of beers

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