Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It's very nice in Cromer.. 19c & sunny with Ice Cream blowing in from the West. 🍦


Had a lovely luncheon of a wholemeal roll filled with ham and red leicester cheese, plus a banana, a nectarine and two :cuppa:

Then off on Wiggy #2, the Chartres to Littleport for groceries. One of my pannier bags has vanished into thin air - I know where I normally keep it, but it's not there. Mind, the utility room is a bit of a mess at the moment, so chances are it'll turn up when I'm not looking for it. Grabbed the rack bag to add to the solitary pannier instead.

Forgot how expensive the Co-op is. £1 for three onions? Erk. Also picked up 4 pints of milk, but lucked out with the rest of what I wanted on yellow sticker, i.e. a large bread, some HCB, two packs of pains au chocolat, two packs of sausage rolls and a large goats cheese.

Also did a bit of a detour to check out a couple of walnut trees I know about, but there's barely anything on them, so shan't bother going back later in the year.

Now sat back with a :cuppa: while watching the cycling. There was a Spanish bloke with no arms and one leg doing 50 kph around the velodrome. Blimey, at about 25 kph I'm pretty well much flat out!
I have some bad news. :sad:

After eight months of feeling very ill, tired, and in pain, The Patient, aka Mr Spiecher has been diagnosed with Prolactinoma.

This is a brain tumour. It is treatable with medication, but the main problem is that it affects the blood supply to the brain, by impinging on one of the main arteries. He received this diagnosis about four weeks ago, and it has been difficult to process this news and telling family, neighbours, and friends.

As I am on this thread most days, and enjoy the discussions, I thought I would tell you all, even though we have not met.

Virtual hugs are very welcome.

And virtual hugs from all of us here chez Casa Reynard too xxx :hugs:

I can trebuchet over some sausage rolls and some shortbread fingers. That do you?


Legendary Member
I have some bad news. :sad:

After eight months of feeling very ill, tired, and in pain, The Patient, aka Mr Spiecher has been diagnosed with Prolactinoma.

This is a brain tumour. It is treatable with medication, but the main problem is that it affects the blood supply to the brain, by impinging on one of the main arteries. He received this diagnosis about four weeks ago, and it has been difficult to process this news and telling family, neighbours, and friends.

As I am on this thread most days, and enjoy the discussions, I thought I would tell you all, even though we have not met.

Virtual hugs are very welcome.

Virtual hugs to you both❤️❤️❤️


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
:heat: I have to sit down just reading that. good luck. big need for moral support! I've been told the 3 biggest life stressors are, marriage, moving & a new job. back in 1990? I had to deal w/ all 3. here's hoping your Daughter is young! :biggrin:


My stepdaughter just split up with her fiancée (wedding 2 weeks away) and consequently has had to move home. She hasn't lost her job though so she avoids heart attack levels of stress.


Leg End Member
The rain turned up at 6.
Browsing twitter yet another fallen tree. This one across road used normally on the return from Sainsbury's. When I went to Simply Food on Tuesday I had to go around two sides of a triangle to avoid what was at least a large branch across a cycle path. Anyone else encountering fallen trees etc?
Also noticed a report of pretty unusual theft - five temporary traffic lights nicked in Knaresborough around midnight on Sunday and no one reported the matter until 2.38pm on Monday!
I've returned three sets of lights to the council. First two were walking into their offices with them, the third was done on the "Beast O'Burden" with them fastened upright, and the red light lit by a small battery.
They nearly refused to accept that set from me.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
A week ago I waited all afternoon for a heating engineer to sort out a broken valve in my hot water system. They didn't show, lying about not being able to access the property, but arranged another appointment for this morning. They didn't show again. However, when I phoned BSW Heating, they told me that the engineer had entered the job as done at 10:30am. Bullshit I would have said but used stronger invective. Ok, said the person on the other end of the phone, she'd give him a call. Cue piped music that mercifully died after a couple of minutes. Eventually, she gets back to me. Apparently, the engineer had replaced the valve unit at a similar-but-different neighbour's address. Right, this need to be escalated, I say, because I can no longer believe a word your engineers say, and I'll take it up with the council people who awarded them the contract.

Meanwhile, I visit said neighbour, and she shows me the boiler. The valve unit still had a couple of year's worth of dust on it. He had come round but had not done anything to her boiler.

The engineer, no doubt chivvied along by his employers given my threat to escalate the affair, then came along and knocked on my door. He tried sticking to his story of having replaced my neighbour's valve and continued to insist so despite knowing that I'd visited her and that I'd seen said valve's maturity.

I'm not sure lying to my face was the best way of getting me to back down from trying to get their contract withdrawn.
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