Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Thanks folks xxx :hugs:

I've had the Popster since she was three and a half months old, and she was just a month short of her 14th birthday. So it's a long old time. She was still full of beans till the last, but had been really looking her age recently.

We had a fabulous time together, she was my soul cat, my sharer of onesies - an opinionated tortie and brilliantly bonkers with it. I did show her, but her career on the show bench was a series of epic fails interspersed by the odd apogee moment, including getting a Best of Colour at the Supreme one year and winning an Open Class of 12 at another show.

I'm going to miss her stealing my crisps and shortbread fingers.

Madam Lexi will be wondering where Poppy has gone 😔


Reynard i can remember when George my old mate up the street lost Alli.he was devastated.Chin up.


ok shipmates listen up you scurvy lot.For i will type zis only once.Postman got to the surgery at 07-25.I was granted an audience with a doctor at 08-10.I think the receptionist was taken aback by a 73 year old screaming and rolling about on the floor.So wonderful doc looks at me and at 08-30 rings St Jimmies.I was om my way to a ward called SDEC.Well i was prodded poked weighed blood pinched x rayed and finally a dye shot in to me and a ct scan.All this done under four and a half hours.Then the wait.I was taken into a small room sat down and a cosy chat.Good news you have no blood clots,yeeees.but the ct scan has shown us something we are concerned about.So we want you back here tomorrow.Shipmates i am getting my own ct scan again a biopsy and a crack team to tell me what they have seen and possible treatment.Now mateys none of this has been confirmed but swollen lymph nodes and a lot of them have been seen and highlighted by the scan.So shipmates a rough night is ahead worrying about something i cannot do anything about or even know what i might have.So sleep tight in your bunks and hammock and a fair wind at your back.right must go cos i am packing my bag for a weeks holiday near Battle in Sussex,plus i prayed before tea and i felt a calm peace come over me.Night one and all.


Leg End Member
i am sharing a public library reading room with an amateur writing group of the noisy type, one has just said, very loudly "...many a year..." and another "...follow him to the ends of the Earth..." The news may turn very unmundane if I don't go and calm down somewhere.
It'll be like that for many a year from now.

Point out the Library Offences Act, 1898 & 2005, if you find them annoying the next time.


Legendary Member
Yesterday was the day from hell.

Poppy went missing in the morning, and mum found her dead under her favourite lilac bush in the garden.

My trip to Cambridge was totally wasted as the people I needed to see hadn't updated their website to say that their local office was closed.

I split my trousers.

Totally broken today. I miss my tortie girl so much.

So sad.


Legendary Member
ok shipmates listen up you scurvy lot.For i will type zis only once.Postman got to the surgery at 07-25.I was granted an audience with a doctor at 08-10.I think the receptionist was taken aback by a 73 year old screaming and rolling about on the floor.So wonderful doc looks at me and at 08-30 rings St Jimmies.I was om my way to a ward called SDEC.Well i was prodded poked weighed blood pinched x rayed and finally a dye shot in to me and a ct scan.All this done under four and a half hours.Then the wait.I was taken into a small room sat down and a cosy chat.Good news you have no blood clots,yeeees.but the ct scan has shown us something we are concerned about.So we want you back here tomorrow.Shipmates i am getting my own ct scan again a biopsy and a crack team to tell me what they have seen and possible treatment.Now mateys none of this has been confirmed but swollen lymph nodes and a lot of them have been seen and highlighted by the scan.So shipmates a rough night is ahead worrying about something i cannot do anything about or even know what i might have.So sleep tight in your bunks and hammock and a fair wind at your back.right must go cos i am packing my bag for a weeks holiday near Battle in Sussex,plus i prayed before tea and i felt a calm peace come over me.Night one and all.

Not an ice situation but best of luck and hopefully it will turn out better than expected.
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