Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Yesterday was the day from hell.

Poppy went missing in the morning, and mum found her dead under her favourite lilac bush in the garden.

My trip to Cambridge was totally wasted as the people I needed to see hadn't updated their website to say that their local office was closed.

I split my trousers.

Totally broken today. I miss my tortie girl so much.

Sorry for your loss.


Yesterday was the day from hell.

Poppy went missing in the morning, and mum found her dead under her favourite lilac bush in the garden.

My trip to Cambridge was totally wasted as the people I needed to see hadn't updated their website to say that their local office was closed.

I split my trousers.

Totally broken today. I miss my tortie girl so much.

Sorry for your loss , they sure do leave a furry hole, focus on the good times to see you thought the bad.


Hong Kong
Happy hour.😋


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I have just found the remains of a dead Crow at the top of the garden . It had been there for quite a while as it fell apart when I picked it up to put it in a plastic bag . I wore gloves just in case it had bird flu.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Remained dry all day but did not manage out on trike.
A blizzard of text messages from Calmac as the big ferry was not able to use the pier at Craignure due to issues with the pier. Speculation is that they hit the pier a bit too hard and since it is a bit precarious had to get the pier checked out in case it fell down when berthing the next time. That is not a joke as the pier is indeed in a parlous condition but is owned by Argyll and Bute Council who are not keen to spent money on a new one. No pier for our main ferries would be a disaster for everybody here.
Latest news is that it had passed a safety inspection and should last another few weeks.
Missed the yacht race coming up the Sound as after digging some potatoes from a crop I did not sow I sat down and fell asleep. :sad:

Condolences to @Reynard. We have lost several cats and it is indeed a big deal after many years together.


A church is laying it on thick saying loss of parking spacers will mean no one will book the church hall. So the church may not afford to stay open. Two things I know as I was chair of the community partnership involved in working. On preventing car damage to the council public field by church parking. That the solution was a temporary one it was years over due being removed.
2rd any other group or organisation has to find it's own fix for parking. It's not the job of the council to provide parking. The Hall and church are not a "community hub" it's mostly a woman who holds flower arranging classes. Who objects to anyone one new booking the hall. Along with the odd ad-hoc choir.
Thanks folks xxx :hugs:

I've had the Popster since she was three and a half months old, and she was just a month short of her 14th birthday. So it's a long old time. She was still full of beans till the last, but had been really looking her age recently.

We had a fabulous time together, she was my soul cat, my sharer of onesies - an opinionated tortie and brilliantly bonkers with it. I did show her, but her career on the show bench was a series of epic fails interspersed by the odd apogee moment, including getting a Best of Colour at the Supreme one year and winning an Open Class of 12 at another show.

I'm going to miss her stealing my crisps and shortbread fingers.
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