Mundane News

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Do you have to stand very still?
What sort of pose do you strike?
Do they give you a little plibrh to stand on?
Is there an interpretation placard nearby to explain what you are?

We just sit in an old 15 th century timbered building so that it can be opened up for the public to wander around . It used to be a guild hall and lock up plus armoury, fire station, museum . It is quite interesting just sitting in there looking at some of the buildings in the town and noticing how old they are . I discovered one close by had a date of 1680. It doesn't look that old ! It is a shame that so many old buildings have been replaced with modern rubbish when you see the likes of Calne , Corsham and Malmesbury have kept theirs . The town managed to stop one developer from attacking our old Burton's shop. It is from the 1920s and has bronze Burton vents set into it . I must go and get a picture of it before someone nicks them .
Morning .
It looks like it has been raining in the night . We woke up to bright sunshine but it has now gone grey .
We went to our town hall last night to watch a tribute band . We almost forgot it was on . I didn't think much of the first hour as it was too loud ! They didn't have the sounds matched up . I'm a bit deaf but I found that the drums were far too loud, more like a thunder storm and blotted out the guitar and vocals . In the intermission they just played some background music while the band had a rest which was much more pleasant . I think they may have adjusted things during the interval as the drumming was much more muted later .


Itching to get back on my bike's
Sun's out now


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Hard to tell what the weather is going to do today.
Not at all nice when I got up but is clearing up bit now and the sun is shining. Probably showers which at least is better than the constant downpour we had yesterday.
Strange, as I as driving past the cemetery yesterday I glanced over towards my wife's grave and the flowers were nowhere to be seen. Turned in and parked then the rain stopped. Checked the flowers which were in fact ok and back to the car when the rain started again.
Today I must get out for a walk at least as inaction drives me even madder than usual.
I prefer not to get the trike wet since it lives in my car and is too wide to get into a shed.


Sunny and drizzling with heavier spells:sad: Ran out of bread yesterday which partly explained the milk in the fridge bought cheaply from Sainsbury's the week before last with today as it's use by date. Second loaf in the bread maker currently. Last night's was a potential disaster as I inadvertently switched the power off at the same time as switching a radio off. Once the bread maker had decided to work again (it will not if too hot) I put in on bake for 15 minutes to counter the switched off time. Seemed okay when I sliced it this morning:thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Good morning from Suffolk. It started off as a bright and sunny morning, but it's now reverted back to the usual mostly cloudy with a strong breeze.

Decided against going to Snetterton for the second day's racing which is mostly due to me not waking up until after I'd have had to leave to get there for the first race :laugh:. Instead I think I'll have some breakfast and then go out for a bit of fresh air before settling in front of the TV or radio for the afternoon's motorsport.
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