Mundane News

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Leg End Member
Presumably as ear defence while you do the vacuuming?

Three years ago they'd have flown off the shelves, can't see them selling now.


I was offered a part time job yesterday. :scratch: It would have flexible hours and I would be potting up plants, which is something I enjoy.

A slight drawback is the remuneration. Free coffee and biskits, lunch, and tea and biskits, with free parking but no petrol allowance. It is at a local retreat/day conference centre with large gardens. They do not need an application form or to see my CV.

I’d happily take a job like that.


Turned out not too bad weather today so went out on trike.
Decided to try an offroad track which I was a bit doubtful about due to the kind of surface.
I was not wrong and that one is off the list. Probably ok on two wheels but on three you get every bump and there is no way to avoid them.

Back to town and sat at the marina again where I met somebody who lived here some years ago and recognised me from the past. He is now back again and is transport manager for the local bus company. Had a long natter and reminisced about things past.
Should have taken another photo as the boats in were completely different from yesterday apart from the super- yacht.
This led us on to remember the Dutchman who owned the island of Coll.
He used to send his private helicopter over here when we had a butcher's shop to get bacon for his breakfast. It landed in the beginnings of the present car park when things were a bit normal.
Things were not as they seemed however but I think he [ the Dutchman not the pilot] is probably out of jail by now. :whistle:

Cycling Uk has done a fly move and charged me the full membership when before I was on the reduced rate. Not too happy about the way it was done. I only keep membership for the insurance now but I have been a member since sometime around the early 1950s.
I must look around for insurance elsewhere.

Edit to remark that of course it was the CTC I joined all those years ago. It demonstrates I think what happens when a membership organisation becomes a business.

Cycling UK sent through new cards and a we noticed they were going to take out the Direct Debit about six weeks before the membership anniversary. A timely reminder to cancel as it is not the organisation that it once was.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Some nice bikes for sale in the Lincoln area according to my faceache marketplace

NOW I see this having arrived in Newark. And I'm not sure it'd be appreciated if I pop off to pick up a bike and pop it on the roof.

Currently I'm only looking after one rider, but may be adding a second. (Am now for the women's GP)

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Another working week has been completed
Looking forward to a few early morning miles just got to decide on route and machine but that can wait till the morning


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Cycling UK sent through new cards and a we noticed they were going to take out the Direct Debit about six weeks before the membership anniversary. A timely reminder to cancel as it is not the organisation that it once was.

This is what happens when an organisation previously run for the members becomes a business with business ethics.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
As seems to happen fairly often a driech morning turns into a nice afternoon so after going to the dump I had a short walk. Did not go far as I seem to be very tired.
Next week is West Highland Yachting Week when over 100 boats descend on the bay. Used to be a bit of a nightmare with rafting up on local boats without permission and rubbish dumped in the cockpits of these unfortunates plus drunken behaviour in the evenings by hundreds of yotties. My workshop got minor vandalism every year as it was down at sea level and my flag got stolen so I had to take it down every year.
Peremptory notice on FB from the so called Harbour Committee to get local dinghys etc in a designated spot or else. Not a request but an order. This is not the organisation I was a founder member of but seems to have been taken over by strangers with no local empathy. :angry:
Looking at the notice again I see it has been changed to be a request rather than an order. Somebody must have got at them to instill some sense.
Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with parma ham, one with cheddar and plum & banana chutney, plus a nectarine, a banana and two :cuppa:

Spent the afternoon erranding for the parental unit. Sans car, the task was delegated to Wiggy #2, the Chartres. I rather enjoyed the ride, though my knees weren't quite so keen. Stopped off en route to investigate a stand of hazel bushes that I forage from as I noticed that the nuts were all falling off. That's about a month early, and was explained by the fact that the shells were all empty as a result of it having been so dry earlier in the year.

Just chilling now with a nice post-ride :cuppa:


Puzzling instructions on frozen cheesecake. To defrost place in fridge for up to 2 hours. Once defrosted consume immediately. Taken literally then that means checking it every so often to see if it has defrosted and eating it. I assume it was still okay to eat after being on the fridge for 2 hours although it may have defrosted some time earlier.
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