Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Turned out not too bad weather today so went out on trike.
Decided to try an offroad track which I was a bit doubtful about due to the kind of surface.
I was not wrong and that one is off the list. Probably ok on two wheels but on three you get every bump and there is no way to avoid them.

Back to town and sat at the marina again where I met somebody who lived here some years ago and recognised me from the past. He is now back again and is transport manager for the local bus company. Had a long natter and reminisced about things past.
Should have taken another photo as the boats in were completely different from yesterday apart from the super- yacht.
This led us on to remember the Dutchman who owned the island of Coll.
He used to send his private helicopter over here when we had a butcher's shop to get bacon for his breakfast. It landed in the beginnings of the present car park when things were a bit normal.
Things were not as they seemed however but I think he [ the Dutchman not the pilot] is probably out of jail by now. :whistle:

Cycling Uk has done a fly move and charged me the full membership when before I was on the reduced rate. Not too happy about the way it was done. I only keep membership for the insurance now but I have been a member since sometime around the early 1950s.
I must look around for insurance elsewhere.

Edit to remark that of course it was the CTC I joined all those years ago. It demonstrates I think what happens when a membership organisation becomes a business.
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Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with tuna & mayonnaise, one with the last of the herby cream cheese, plus an apple, a nectarine and two :cuppa:

I too, spent the afternoon mowing the grass weeds.

Now sat down with another :cuppa:


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
We had a Bond three wheeler but not the Bug. Pathetic brakes and to start you lifted the bonnet and kick started the motorbike engine.
This was our first step up from a Lambretta 150cc which served us well.
Traded it in for an A30 van with windows and a prominent crease in the front bulkhead. This did not seem to affect it at all and it performed perfectly.

There's an interesting vehicle in the window of Station Road Garage in Heacham. I don't think it's for sale tho'.


Deleted member 1258

There's an interesting vehicle in the window of Station Road Garage in Heacham. I don't think it's for sale tho'.

View attachment 700382

Sinclair C5
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