Mundane News

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Bitsas supper combined to make a tuna, cheese & onion toastie (truly lush, deffo going to do this again), and a random salad.

The girls had some of the tuna.


My best wishes that your Dad's eye op is successful.

Thanks. Seems to have been so. Was allowed to return home this evening. Good time to encounter the currently single lane A1 over Wentbridge viaduct with a queue of 40mph moving traffic. Less said about sporious road works with the A1(M) filtered down to one lane and allegedly closed beyond jn 42 when it was not, and mass undertaking on the inside two lanes of the M1 after a number decided those were not closed after all.
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Legendary Member
You know how you get so used to seeing something that when it disappears you can't work out what's changed? I had to look on Streetview to find out that all the greenery on this property has been grubbed up and renovation work started on the building.

In my excuse this was my first commute in nearly 2 weeks and don't use this area much unless on the commute.
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