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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Kernel update today.

This is a Kernel update.
Cool, blustery and occasionally sunny here chez Casa Reynard. Although we have had a few brief light showers, and it's gone rather dark again in the last few minutes.

Slept so so. Got woken up by a cat standing on my boobs. Ow. Spent the morning cutting grass. Although the mower has two slow punctures, so I had to pump up the tyres before I could do anything. Used my Joe Blow track pump for that.

Also tried, as the mechanic suggested, starting the car with the spare set of keys. No joy. Immobiliser engaged. Although it then started fine with the set of keys I had last night. And then the spare keys worked too when I tried them again. I'm a bit flummoxed now. Fired off an email to the garage last night regarding a plan of action, and they suggested bringing the keys in to put new batteries in. Except I don't think these keys actually *have* a battery in them as the fob seems to be a solid chunk of moulded plastic. :scratch:

Either way, it'll get me out for a bicycular bimble

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Whilst out for a lunch ride I got cut up on the greenway (no cars/motorbikes/etc) by a moped rider, although I managed to get a photo.

He was then about two miles further up the greenway, presumably having ridden his petrol moped along the route, stopped having a cigarette. He wasn't too keen having a second photo taken.

Reported to the police online and it appears his MOT has also expired. Oh dear ...


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Oh, and I'm off to Colne for this evening's town centre races:

Son no. 2's in the men's support race, which also has the women's main race in, and we'll probably stay to watch the main race. I'll be in the pits with rollers/spare bike/wheels.
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