Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Could someone remind me when summer begins - I've just been outside retrieve the recycling bin and it's decidedly chilly. May need a jacket if I go out again later.

I'm in Bristol where it's a damp October day.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I'm not going to ju jitsu tonight. My neck and back are both sore, but neither of those is a ju jitsu injury per se.

I think I've been lying funny in bed, possibly trying to take weight off the dead leg.

Don't beat yourself up about it - there are plenty of martial arts opponents who'll be more than happy to do that for you.


Dry day by the look of it , following on form yesterday the tyre inflator I ordered has arrived all was going fine till the battery ran out. Not dragging out the drill from the back of pantry just for the other battery. So i've put this one on charge in the mean time will see if the tyre holds the air that did go in.
Charlies still being fussy over his food and eating it but happily eat anything else. With the help of a bit of cheese at least I can get his meds down him.
My mate has just been to a wedding somewhere down Londonshire ish (you know down there), but he rode from near Ghent with a mate (that's where he lives). He's currently riding back to his parents home (South Manchester). Looking at one of the wedding photos, his partner was there, so she probably flew - she's not a cyclist.

More remarkably, he's had a DVT in his left leg for the last couple of months - one of those in a vein where the skin all bruises. Drugs didn't clear it, so a minor op did two weeks ago. He's been off work, but none of it's stopped him knocking up 60-100 miles every day he's been off the last two months. I guess riding your bike getting the circulation going is better than standing making cars !

I'm sure Beautiful Daughter would be game, but Beautiful Wife rather wants her back in two weeks so they can go off to Japan for a wedding. One day, maybe.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Because it was a bit too wet to ride to my blood donoring, I drove there.
It cost me £2.20 to park and £1.60 for some Coconut Mushrooms for MrsPete!!
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