Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Another working day completed
And boy it's been a busy one


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
SWMBO has bought some small perfume spray bottles and is attempting to decant some into each from the wide range of perfumes she has. Only ... the big bottles won't open. So she's decanting the hard way with a tiny tube pipette, which is extremely messy and smelly.

Me? I resolved the situation by mending a window handle son no. 2 had broken whilst we were away, opening said window then going into the parts shed for a look round. Found more bits than I thought I had.

Edit: I have resolved her perfume decanting problem by simply spraying it into the open containers. But now I smell like a perfume shop.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Slight dampness in the air for a short while when I was out for a walk but otherwise not a bad day tho’ not sunny. Managing to gradually increase the distance without falling over by using a couple of modified walking poles.
This dirt road looks suitable for the trike so far but I seem to remember it deteriorates beyond a distant corner. It does lead by a back route to where my wildlife pal lives and at his end there is a horrendous bit about a couple of hundred yards long.
The ferry problem got fixed fairly promptly but about 4 sailings cancelled. This creates ticket problems as your tickets are only valid for one specified sailing or at least that used to be the case. I must go into the office and make enquiries.
Whoever does the Calmac text messaging gets a bit annoying sometimes.
About twelve noon I get a text that service will resume with the twelve twenty five from Oban. Five minutes later another one comes saying the eleven fifteen from Craignure is cancelled. At the time it was sent it would appear fairly obvious. :wacko:
Stuck in Tesco car park with a broken down car. Joy... Not. Waiting for recovery.
Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 13.42.31.jpeg


Legendary Member
The advance tickets for my next trip to Leeds October have gone on sale* and the prices are nuts. For the same price as Felixstowe/Ipswich/Peterborough/Leeds I can do Felixstowe/Ipswich/Peterborough/York/Leeds and still have enough left over for a pint & a bowl of chips at one of the Wetherspoons in the city. There's no hurry on the day so food & drink on the way to the hotel it is.

*The outbound ones have - the return timetable is 'unconfirmed' as yet
Back home. The mechanic, when he eventually arrived, managed to get the car going.

Turns out the electronics had thrown a wobbly, and the system wasn't recognising the chip in the key. So every time I turned the ignition, the immobiliser kept cutting in.

Mechanics I can do, but not electronics, so I'll ask the garage to check things through for me. The mechanic said it could be a one off, or it could be the start of a problem, so I'd rather be safe than stranded somewhere far worse than Tesco's car park.

Looks like I'll have to postpone Thursday's trip to Gaydon until next week.
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