Mundane News

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I will miss my grandson's cat . He always used to come and say hello and have a stroke . I used to find that he kept me nice and warm when he slept on my lap . I would have frozen otherwise as they would keep all their doors open .
I wish our cat would be more visible ! He wasn't downstairs when I went down this morning. Strangely enough though he popped in twice yesterday soaking wet so that I could rub him dry with a towel.
I was just thinking back to how the ranking worked in my family when I was young . Mum and Dad , my older brother , Puss, me and Kitty .
Puss knew her place and would often let me know . I had loads of scratches. She would let you stroke her for a while and then turn on you. Kitty was her daughter and my cat . We used to get on well. Although my brother and friend might disagree when she found a wasp nest in a tree they were climbing in ! :laugh:
I've got an old picture of me as a baby in my mum's arms staring down at the ground frowning . I'm sure that I'm staring at Puss. I believe that this is where she asserted her position in our family. She must have had strong maternal instincts and knew my place !

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Route check of my audax with my helper yesterday. It was somewhat wet.

I was just reading another thread about attaching wind breaks to a roof rack . It made me think of all the stuff that people take with them to the beach. It's a bit like the settlers going across America in their wagons and horses . Once they have staked out a claim on a spot on the beach a whole new building site starts up . Large wind breaks , tents and a thing which looks like it was part of a sail from a wind surfing board goes up so they can spot their development from miles away! Why don't they just carry some bricks and cement so they can feel more at home ? :whistle:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Almost made it home from town dry but no down came the rain so got a bit a wet.
Our local Lidl has always been a bit unloved but it's now going down hill fast sales must be down. Anyone who knows retail can see the tiny signs all is not well. Even staff don't care and customer service what little we had has gone. Will have to add it list of shops to avoid.

The Aldi and Lidls we go in are doing well. Romiley Aldi is very busy with stacks of posh cars in it, and Prestatyn Lidl is a new build (last 3 years) and very busy.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I was just reading another thread about attaching wind breaks to a roof rack . It made me think of all the stuff that people take with them to the beach. It's a bit like the settlers going across America in their wagons and horses . Once they have staked out a claim on a spot on the beach a whole new building site starts up . Large wind breaks , tents and a thing which looks like it was part of a sail from a wind surfing board goes up so they can spot their development from miles away! Why don't they just carry some bricks and cement so they can feel more at home ? :whistle:

Don't, my wife likes to take a load of stuff. If we go for a day, there will be the gas Camping Gas party BBQ, picnic, wind break, chairs, and wet suits for swimming and changing robes. We've got a beach trolly now.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Back home now
50.25 miles in the back
Stayed dry although damp underfoot
First cuppa going down well


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another bright sunny day with a brisk northerly wind so must get out on trike.
Big decision is which way to go but will wait till I get to the crossroads and decide then. The Glengorm road should be less busy as the dump is closed but is steep uphill for a long way between passing places with blind corners so mebbe the Mishnish lochs road with more traffic but hills not so steep.

Corran ferry is giving problems as it cannot cope with the volume of traffic. Marshalls on both sides are moving people on when the queueing lanes are full and are also trying to get local traffic on as a priority over tourists. No large vehicles allowed either.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I've found a quiet spot in Dubrovnik Airport away from massive crowds (3rd floor restaurant - large and almost empty). Food and drinks are the same price as the over-busy café's elsewhere in the airport but we also get comfy chairs (the soft green one on the photo edge), proper tables, and a view of the runway outside rather than walls. And no, it's not in the business lounge.


As a very nervous flyer these things help enormously.
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Raining as predicted. Good news is the laptop has partly fixed itself. What I thought was a sprained hinge turned out to be a bit of trim that yesterday I found on the rug. Hardly noticeable being hidden by the base / lid overlap and the laptop now shuts without an element of resistance. Slightly bemused why the trim across the bottom of the screen seems to have got slightly too long and developed a crack on it.
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