Mundane News

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Wet and soggy here chez Casa Reynard.

Yesterday's road trip went OK - other than the driving. Took me five hours to drive down to Alresford and four to come home (3 hrs each way on a clear run). The M25 and the A505 are the gifts that keep on giving, it seems, although the A10 between Ely and Cambridge did its best to join the party. As a result, my right knee seized up yesterday afternoon - and then buckled beneath me at a rather embarrassing moment. It's also left me with a pulled muscle in my bum, so now it also hurts to sit.

What also wasn't so nice was the pair of winos sat on the bench next to Paul's grave, and I didn't appreciate the smell of booze or the fag smoke. It's usually such a lovely place for a slice of peace and quiet - until it isn't.

I am having a quiet day today.

Have watched the England game, and I think I shall listen to various sports commentaries while I work on my archive.

The people at the horse trials event thing across the road are getting very wet.

It is almost time for luncheon.


Stopped to banter with a former work pal this morning on the way into town. We were approached by a lass who didn't quite seem the 'full ticket'. She said loudly 'Do you like my hat - ?', followed by 'How old do you think I am - ?' :wacko:
I bid my pal farewell and took off pretty smartish. :whistle:


Feel a bit under dressed steam punk is in town. Turing out to be a dryish day in Whitby. Sat looking out over the harbour drinking a pot of English tea.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
The secluded splash pool we've been using on holiday has invaders ...

Have spent the afternoon working on my archive and the write-up of my research on the history of the ex-Howard Cole car. A critical piece of information regarding the latter came my way yesterday, proving that my efforts at matching verifiable (albeit patchy) data with extensive background knowledge was bang on the money.

So what was a compelling argument and a proposal on my part is now indisputable fact.

It basically means that the assumed history of the car during the latter half of 1983 and the first half of 1984 is totally incorrect, and that I'm not going to be too popular for bursting those long-held assumptions.

However, the current owner of the car (when I finally reach out to him) will find out that he has a much more interesting car on his hands than he originally thought.

Whoops... :biggrin:
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