Mundane News

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Aaaargh, I hate it when an auction on the 'bay gets pulled for no reason with several days left to run. Especially one that I've spent a while doing some research on and was planning on putting in a bid.


And no, the item's not been sold. It's just vanished into thin air. That's the third time in two weeks.
Aaaargh, I hate it when an auction on the 'bay gets pulled for no reason with several days left to run. Especially one that I've spent a while doing some research on and was planning on putting in a bid.


And no, the item's not been sold. It's just vanished into thin air. That's the third time in two weeks.

The seller noticed that it wasn't selling very well and so withdrew it before it went too cheaply. I've done it once or twice after being stung by someone who bid at the last second and got a bargain . Having learnt that lesson I tend to start them at a price where I won't lose much .
I had a good return on a Tamiya kit that my daughter bought at a garage sale for £2. It was a 1/12 scale model of a Honda F1 car which had been started . I had to go and rescue her from a supermarket where she had forgotten her purse . I told her that I would pay for her groceries as I had sold the kit . Her reply was .
"How much?". :ohmy:
It sold for £80.
Last night word came through that one of the kids at Beautiful Daughter's school hadn't come home and it later transpired he hadn't been seen since leaving for school (most children here walk to school from about six).

As he's about 8 this is a concern. Last night nearly the entire village mobilised and the woods were crawling with people on foot, motorcycle and bicycle looking for him with the police helicopter hovering overhead most of the afternoon.

Post script to this story. Elder Son was out until 1am with the fire department, when the call came through that the child was safe with his auntie.
Apparently they kept tripping over members of the public looking for the same child in the countryside. This was pretty annoying but it's good to see how half the village mobilised in an emergency.
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Itching to get back on my bike's
Turn left out of your gate, second right and keep going 👍

Well that's what I did to start with then it was straight on over 3 roundabouts then a right then a left then fork left straight over X roads left at t junction then keep going straight on through the village took a left turn then another left though the village to a t junction where I turned left around the one way system with a left at the end straight on till big Island where I went straight across then 2nd right and just keep following the road around turn left then fork right straight away up to t junction where I turned right then left through the gate carry straight on till t junction then right and out of the village where I turned right then left then right till X roads where I went right straight over next cross roads 3 rd left through village and on towards next one where I turned right at the crossroads just before entering the village carried straight on to next village and went right at main rd junction then first left and out of the village on to next village where I turned right at first junction then right at next junction and out of the village turned right at the t junction then a right at next junction straight on at 3 roundabouts then two rights and a left .
Guess the route 😁
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