Mundane News

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Last night word came through that one of the kids at Beautiful Daughter's school hadn't come home and it later transpired he hadn't been seen since leaving for school (most children here walk to school from about six).

As he's about 8 this is a concern. Last night nearly the entire village mobilised and the woods were crawling with people on foot, motorcycle and bicycle looking for him with the police helicopter hovering overhead most of the afternoon.


Itching to get back on my bike's
There goes yesterday


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Last night word came through that one of the kids at Beautiful Daughter's school hadn't come home and it later transpired he hadn't been seen since leaving for school (most children here walk to school from about six).

As he's about 8 this is a concern. Last night nearly the entire village mobilised and the woods were crawling with people on foot, motorcycle and bicycle looking for him with the police helicopter hovering overhead most of the afternoon.

That's got to be the most worrying & terrifying thing as a parent 😔

Any news yet?
Morning .
It is sunny here.
We have an invisible cat . We put food down and it disappears! I went out this morning trying to find him up the garden, but whilst I was there he must have sneaked in. When I returned I found him by our back door . He does materialize at times . I picked him up and took him in for his food . He struggled! How did I know that he had already had it ? I gave him some biscuit treats so he wasn't too unhappy . We had a few strokes and a chat and then he went out again .


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sunny start today but clouds looming out to the SW.
Seems a strange lack of activity so far for the morning of Games Day but the official start is not till 10.30.
Everything has changed of course and what used to be local events are now overtaken by semi professional troupes who travel round the games circuit.
We never went to many highland games but our main metier was agricultural shows. It was a day out and a bit of excitement as well as making a bit of money.
I particularly liked the terrier racing which everybody seemed to have a good laugh at.
The main business had good employees we could leave to get on with the base work while we gadded off. At those events we sold mainly work clothing with something for the kids to deeve their parents with. One year we had hula hoops and things to make a noise with. :laugh:
Last night word came through that one of the kids at Beautiful Daughter's school hadn't come home and it later transpired he hadn't been seen since leaving for school (most children here walk to school from about six).

As he's about 8 this is a concern. Last night nearly the entire village mobilised and the woods were crawling with people on foot, motorcycle and bicycle looking for him with the police helicopter hovering overhead most of the afternoon.

Elder Son gets info a bit faster due to being in the voluntary fire department, he texted to say the boy has turned up safe and well; he was at his Aunt's house of all places, near Ulm which is a good 100k away. Goodness knows how and why he got there, but the main thing is he's safe and well (and probably, in the way of these things, about to get a severe roasting from his parents)

That's got to be the most worrying & terrifying thing as a parent 😔

Happened to us once, I wouldn't wish it in anyone. Ironically it was the same Elder Son who was helping the Fire Department in this case.
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Legendary Member
Good morning from a slightly dull Suffolk where the first cuppa of the day has just been finished. At some point today I must get out and get some food & drink in ready for the weekend as I won't be around tomorrow (if all goes well) and the weather forecast for the weekend isn't looking too good.

The lack of rail passenger services on the local line is helping the rail freight to & from Felixstowe port movements - service 4L43 arrived at the holding point 30 minutes early and moved on after just 10 minutes rather than the normal 20 as the outgoing freight services didn't have to worry about the passenger service on the single track sections.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Only a week to go and four of us (from here) will be hitting the Pennine Bridleway from just outside Settle back to Glossop over two days - 80 miles total. Here is praying for a dry couple of days. Need to give the bike (full suspension) a shakedown as it's only been ridden once since October ! Fortunately, all the bearings were done after a big ride back then.

Must practice packing my bar bag ! All of us are travelling light, as we're staying in a couple of pubs rather than backpacking.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Second and third hot drink of the day
I thought I would watch a video on the net of how to take a buckle out of a wheel without having to fiddle with the spokes . I was just curious . I don't know what language it was in as it was silent . Good job really as he didn't half go on and on ! :wacko: I think he must have bored the buckle so much it just gave up ! I did ! From what I could make out he seemed to be using hot water on a rag on the buckle . As I said I gave up as my life seemed to be ebbing away! :ohmy: Do these people get paid per word or something ?
I will never know what happened in the end as I don't think I will live long enough to find out ! :whistle:


A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
More ju jitsu injury last night.

If you're in the south east and you felt a mild earth tremor last night, that would have been caused by me being slammed flat onto my back by our Sensei demonstrating one of the five advanced shoulder throws on the belt. There is no breakfall from that throw for the unfortunate uke.

The injury, though, is a self-inflicted dead leg, caused by me breakfalling with my left hand from another of the advanced shoulder throws, then landing my left thigh onto that hand.

You'd think I would have learned not to do it after that, but a minute or so later I did the same thing again, hitting exactly the same spot.
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