Mundane News

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A gentlemanly pootler, these days
West Wickham
Last night word came through that one of the kids at Beautiful Daughter's school hadn't come home and it later transpired he hadn't been seen since leaving for school (most children here walk to school from about six).

As he's about 8 this is a concern. Last night nearly the entire village mobilised and the woods were crawling with people on foot, motorcycle and bicycle looking for him with the police helicopter hovering overhead most of the afternoon.
My God, that's frightening. Good to hear that there was a "happy" ending (well, maybe not so happy for the kid when his ears are bleeding from the roasting he'll get when he gets home).


Why does it sound like Alan Titchmarsh is doing the TDF commentary

Good idea any thing to keep him away for the gardening.
More ju jitsu injury last night.

If you're in the south east and you felt a mild earth tremor last night, that would have been caused by me being slammed flat onto my back by our Sensei demonstrating one of the five advanced shoulder throws on the belt. There is no breakfall from that throw for the unfortunate uke.

The injury, though, is a self-inflicted dead leg, caused by me breakfalling with my left hand from another of the advanced shoulder throws, then landing my left thigh onto that hand.

You'd think I would have learned not to do it after that, but a minute or so later I did the same thing again, hitting exactly the same spot.

There was one throw in Aikido where I used to end up slamming into the mat on my side . One leg would hit the mat and then be followed by the other, a bit like a scissor action ! Oooooo! :cry:
Humid, mostly overcast and occasionally spitting with rain here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept ok, but it wasn't restful, and spent the morning catching up with the stuff I didn't get done yesterday. I now have a suitable quantity of white roses, plus I lucked out in the green bins with a job lot of breakfast cereal and some spendy chocolates.

Madam Lexi went missing this morning. She didn't come for her lunchtime chicken, and we thought she was in the garden as she was in all day yesterday. But she wasn't coming when she was called which is very unusual. So start panicking. Where's Lexi? Looked everywhere, house, garage etc but no cat. Mum says why don't you check the car. I'm off down to Hampshire tomorrow, so I'd put my full tool kit in the boot before toddling off to Tesco.

You guessed it. Lexi was in the boot. And had been since about midday. So she'd hitched a ride into town without me knowing she was onboard. Let's just say I dodged a bullet there. And Madam Lexi is NOT best pleased with me...

A :cuppa: and some chocolate are very definitely needed. Madam Lexi has had some chicken.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I thought I would watch a video on the net of how to take a buckle out of a wheel without having to fiddle with the spokes . I was just curious . I don't know what language it was in as it was silent . Good job really as he didn't half go on and on ! :wacko: I think he must have bored the buckle so much it just gave up ! I did ! From what I could make out he seemed to be using hot water on a rag on the buckle . As I said I gave up as my life seemed to be ebbing away! :ohmy: Do these people get paid per word or something ?
I will never know what happened in the end as I don't think I will live long enough to find out ! :whistle:

I once slipped on a mound with wet grass on South Uist and landed on my back wheel which was bent a bit to put it mildly. Middle of nowhere and 20 miles away from my van at Lochmaddy. The only thing I could do in emergency was lay the wheel flat on a soft bit of ground and stand on the rim to bring it back to a semblance of normality. It worked well enough to let me cycle back to base without problem.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Just as weather forecast said today, light winds and light showers mostly around midday.
Could not get out anywhere tho' and had to cancel an appointment for bloods to get taken. Cars blocking most of us in and I could not get the trike out either.
Quite a few touroid going past to the Games and cars persistently looking for parking as close to the golf course as possible. Only saw a couple of people I recognised so really just a show for strangers.
Spent a lot of time reading a very detailed book on the recent history of part of Mull. I knew a lot of the people featuring in it but I think most of them are dead now.
One who is not is my SIL who hails from around where @Reynard comes from. She met my brother as he was doing a second degree at Cambridge and not on Mull as one might suppose.
Went and sat in my garden for a while in the sunshine but it is getting too enclosed and also needs a severe trimming.
There are some potato shaws so I must try digging them up to check on them as Games Day in the past was when you lifted your first early maincrop. No idea why that started but probably to soak up the whisky imbibed in the evening. :whistle:
Time to feed the cats, and then it will be time to feed me.


Half price mobile app voucher on a tin of salmon for Lidl resolved where the ebike was heading this evening. Decided on a loop ride for once to the nearer smaller Lidl and remarkably nearly got there non-stop, finally halted a few yards to the west of the store in need of a clear left turn onto the A59 for an immediate right into the store.
Was almost tempted by a set of individually T handled Allen keys for £5.99.
Pasta & meatballs for tea here. I will not be buying Morrisons meatballs again - even if they are on yellow sticker - as they seemed to have lost half their volume when cooked due to the amount of fat that came out of them.

Poaching the meatballs in the tomato sauce tends to reduce the shrinkage.

Having said that, the best meatballs tend to start out either as sausages or decent burgers. A sausage (pork or beef) gets snipped into four, while a burger gets cut into six or eight, and the resulting pieces reshaped into spheres.
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