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how far up to you get them?
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Swan upping is an ancient event of counting and recording all Swans on the Thames. Over seen by The King's Swan Marker it's was all about staking ownership now it forms a key part of conservation of Swans.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Mention of swans reminds me of when we had an old swan whose partner had just died.
Obviously lonely and distressed it took to wandering on the Main St where it got fed but it got to be a bit of a menace as it took to going into the coop shop particularly in bad weather.
Eventually somebody from the SSPCA was summoned and managed to catch it and it was removed to a sanctuary for old swans.


All at sea⛵
Mention of swans reminds me of when we had an old swan whose partner had just died.
Obviously lonely and distressed it took to wandering on the Main St where it got fed but it got to be a bit of a menace as it took to going into the coop shop particularly in bad weather.
Eventually somebody from the SSPCA was summoned and managed to catch it and it was removed to a sanctuary for old swans.

A medium tern future awaiting many of us.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
@Speicher - possibly late to this but 'under-performing' is defined by the government as degrees where students don't complete or don't end up in graduate -level employment.

It'll hit those institutions who recruit students from areas with lower higher education participation, lower achievers and those with learning differences. Basically those my university tends to recruit. Russell Group and their ilk will be fine.

In other stuff I went to visit Skadar Lake in Montenegro today. It was 41c so went for a swim in the lake.


I then stood on a bee, which stung me between my toes :blink:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
@Speicher - possibly late to this but 'under-performing' is defined by the government as degrees where students don't complete or don't end up in graduate -level employment.

It'll hit those institutions who recruit students from areas with lower higher education participation, lower achievers and those with learning differences. Basically those my university tends to recruit. Russell Group and their ilk will be fine.

In other stuff I went to visit Skadar Lake in Montenegro today. It was 41c so went for a swim in the lake.

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I then stood on a bee, which stung me between my toes :blink:

Ouch 🐝
That was the point I was trying to make. There is so much practical work to be done, alongside some design and theory. Much better suited to an apprenticeship.

How do existing apprenticeships work in the UK?


Or by parental units with overzealous watering habits...

Which is why I much prefer the garden centre to do all the hard work for me.

At the nursery we use to get ours from a grower who did nothing else. Tomato plants are one of them things people buy early as they panic you may runout. We use always ask have you any heat? Nost always said no. We you to say well put them back and come back when it warms up a bit. Won't you run out ? No we will have plenty of stock.


Well sort of navigated the maze of Sainsbury's this evening after they had 5 days last week to shuffle the shelves. If the idea is to make you buy things you hadn't gone for then it fails on me as I simply walk round confused until I find what I am looking for.

The ebike came to an abrupt halt on the way there as the dual swing gate at the start of the off public highway bit of NCN67 only swung one way and not the way I was going.

Wind was a bit strong at times such that it was a rare occasion when the laden return was done quicker than the outbound.
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