Media coverage of Prince Phillips passing.

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self serving virtue signaller
Usual non-answer, but perhaps someone else could tell us how moaning about patriarchy sits with having female monarchs for about 130 years out of the last 180.

Ok, you tempted me Paley.

Try rephrasing your post without accusing someone else of being "terminally dense".

Indeed, if you *assume* they're not dense, and instead read what they've written whilst engaging your brain, your answer is readily available.

You're not dense. Neither is the person you accuse of it.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
It's OK to admit if you don't understand what a word means, you know.

Instead of making your usual snippy comment, perhaps you'd like to consider the meaning.

Here's the first definition from Google:

a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is reckoned through the male line.
"the thematic relationships of the ballad are worked out according to the conventional archetypes of the patriarchy"
a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it.
"the dominant ideology of patriarchy."

Descent in the Royal Family is 'reckoned' to be through the male line, but recent history tells us women are not 'largely excluded' from power.

Quite the reverse, they have dominated it.


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
It's OK to admit if you don't understand what a word means, you know.
My new head of dept is a woman. Her predecessor, my current line manager, is a woman. Her predecessor was a woman. My previous line manager was a woman and so was her predecessor. I'm not convinced about this patriarchy business, you know.


Charming but somewhat feckless
Usual non-answer, but perhaps someone else could tell us how moaning about patriarchy sits with having female monarchs for about 130 years out of the last 180.

Isn't that simply down to the rules of succession?

The current queen is in that position only because she didn't have any brothers. If she had done, even if born after her, that sibling would have been king.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Isn't that simply down to the rules of succession?

The current queen is in that position only because she didn't have any brothers. If she had done, even if born after her, that sibling would have been king.

It would at the time, but I believe that succession rule has been changed.

Royal Family - ruddy modernisers.


Senior Member
Ridiculous, BBC one and two broadcasting a four hour Philip special, the exact same programme at the exact same time and it's being repeated until breakfast time tomorrow on both channels. That's complete overkill. Where's the balance, lots will want to watch it, lots won't.
I don't like being shovel fed stuff in this manner. BBC radio is the same. No other news on the world at one, same on pm and I'll bet the guests on any questions tonight are not the original panel. ITV have done the same. At least channel four still have normal schedule programmes with a few Philip specials thrown in.
I've not been a fan of the BBC ever since they worked hard to put the pirate radio ships (Caroline and London) out of service. They wouldn't provide pop music for the many that wanted it, but stuck with their stuffy, old orchestral music and talk programs. Two hours of pop music on Saturday morning was all they'd give us, which is why the pirate ships came into being, forcing the BBC to get up to date.

I'm sure we'll get to see the duke's funeral event over here. He was an outspoken man, and I haven't forgotten the time (when I was 18 years old) and the Daily Mirror headline said: "Get Your Finger Out!" telling the British workman to get to work. I was incensed at the time, as was the Mirror, but perhaps it was deserved, although I was busting my butt as an apprentice construction worker at the time.


Charming but somewhat feckless
It would at the time, but I believe that succession rule has been changed.

Royal Family - ruddy modernisers.

It explains why having a woman on the throne for ~130 years doesn't mean we don't live in a patriarchy.

The rule has since been changed but males born before 28 October 2011 still precede their elder sisters in the line of succession.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
"Get Your Finger Out!" telling the British workman to get to work.

I wouldn't take that one too hard.

The remark: "Gentlemen, it's time we pulled our fingers out" was addressed to the long defunct Industrial Co-partnership Association.

Records of that are scant, but it's apparent the remark was aimed as much at the bosses as the workers, probably moreso.


So happily that's yet another thing for which everyone can blame the Tory government, although on this occasion blaming Brexit as well might be a stretch.
True, but...


Senior Member
I wouldn't take that one too hard.

The remark: "Gentlemen, it's time we pulled our fingers out" was addressed to the long defunct Industrial Co-partnership Association.

Records of that are scant, but it's apparent the remark was aimed as much at the bosses as the workers, probably moreso.
The only thing I knew about it was what the Daily Mirror posted as a headline. But then tabloids usually do sensationalize such things.
Their wealth is largely irrelevant to me - plenty of other very wealthy people around. Its more the feigning, fawning, 'tug forelock, doff cap' worship of people who, to me, aren't special at all. We live in a supposedly wealthy country with foodbanks to feed our poor and there are those who put these people on pedestals and deify them simply due to who their ancestors happened to be (the people who invented the whole idea of aristocracy anyway, mainly to perpetuate it). Royalty is a just a fantasy soap opera about the privileged. And even soaps end one day......
If you don't think that way why does it bother you that other people do? I care neither way, I'm not a Royalist but have nothing against them.
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