Media coverage of Prince Phillips passing.

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If you don't think that way why does it bother you that other people do? I care neither way, I'm not a Royalist but have nothing against them.
That is indeed what puzzles me; it's like me and Avengers movies. I may not see the appeal, but I don't get angry about them, or celebrate actors/directors dying. I might tut at the number of screens they block-out at our town cinema; I'm not likely to protest outside!

captain nemo1701

Space cadet. Deck 42 Main Engineering.
If you don't think that way why does it bother you that other people do? I care neither way, I'm not a Royalist but have nothing against them.
Its the expectation that everyone should adore them. And the tedious constant feigning by the media (as they cash in on them). We'd be better off with an elected head of state answerable to the public who could hold the govt to account. Works in other countries. I also think the royals perpetuate class division in society. Royalty after all, is a very old concept, not very relevant anymore.
If that's the explanation, how come I know that people who love Tory governments and the royal family exist?
Probably because you spend a lot of time on the internet discussing stuff whereas I don't, apart from this forum I only interact with people who's company I enjoy and therefore have similar views to me.

I've never been in a room where the vast majority are left wing Tory hating anti-royals.

Anyway, I'm off to the boozer with my footy pals. Enjoy your evening.
National Rail turned their rail ticketing and timetable website from colour to greyscale " out of respeck". They have had to switch on the colour after complaints of usability by visually impaired users. This is disrespeck and in my hood, dissing someone comes at a price. Watch out blindies, we can see where you live...


Openly Marxist
Anyway, I'm off to the boozer


Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
I've never been in a room where the vast majority are left wing Tory hating anti-royals.

Anyway, I'm off to the boozer with my footy pals. Enjoy your evening.

Tory loving royalists like to booze down the pub with their football loving mates. Who knew ?


Senior Member
... Royalty after all, is a very old concept, not very relevant anymore.
I tend to agree with that, but I've never been a follower of royalty. It probably dates back to when kings actually led their armies into battle. It is what it is, and I don't have a problem with it. Some say they bring in a lot of money through tourism. If they bring in more than it costs to keep them, that's not a bad thing. Perception of what royalty is, can give people a negative view.

I remember the queen's silver jubilee, and some anti-royalist bloke protested it. Overnight, neighbours got together and painted the front of his house with red, white and blue stripes. Then over that they painted: "The queen rules. Okay!" I don't know if they were caught. Sometimes it's best to just keep one's gob shut.
All this crap is of course an excellent reason to become a republic.

Which is not an criticism of Philip, Elizabeth or any other of the individuals - it's that the existence of the institution at all inevitably leads to these ridiculous situations.
Well, maaaaaaybe ...

I've actually found the coverage that Trump has had for 4 years even MORE depressing than the 2 days of Royalist Grief that we've just had!
That was a "ridiculous situation" ...


Senior Member
All this crap is of course an excellent reason to become a republic.
The trouble with a Republic is that some people want to turn it into a Socialist state. When the Constitution of the U.S.A. was written, one of the founding fathers, Ben Thompson, replied to a woman who asked him what kind of government we have: "You have a Republic if you can keep it." [Italics my emphasis.]


People forget how recent all this royalty-reverence actually is. Up until HM Brenda, it was pretty touch & go whether the monarchy would survive the 20th century, and even She is riding on a media-generated iconography that didn't really begin until the media-savvy Prince Albert hit town. Before that, a more typical media take on royalty would be James Gillray's depiction of the Prince Regent.


The disrespect! :eek:


self serving virtue signaller
The trouble with a Republic is that some people want to turn it into a Socialist state.

The Royals are what prevents socialism?

I mean, that's more than a little debatable, but even if true, "Royals prevent the workers controlling the means of production" doesn't sound particularly democratic to me...
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