Very glad you are still in one piece, more or less anyway! Good to hear that A&E were happy to let you go home rather than keeping you in for observation, looks like you were relatively lucky as these things go, phew ...
'bouncing well' - at least you don't seem to have lost your sense of humour!
Hopefully the bumps & bruises will heal quickly, and that the bike is either salvageable, with the culprit buying you some new parts, or a whole new bike if it's too far gone ... I've been told that the best you can do (when you feel a bit better) is to take it to a trusted LBS for assessment before agreeing anything (driver's insurance should cough up, especially if there are witnesses, sounds like the police have got the evidence they need).
You might want to phone or e-mail Brenda and/or Rod Mitchell at
Cycle Law Scotland to get some free advice (they are also cycle campaigners) before agreeing to anything at all with the driver or his insurance.
Sending you a very careful

and some virtual cake ...