Exactly, would have been good fun changing it in total darkness if it had gone down quickly
New bomb proof tyres are defo on my to get list, anybody recommend me any?
Not bomb proof (and maybe not Colin-proof

), but very well recommended are the Schwalbe Marathon tyres, not the lightest, but one of mine 'survived' getting a hawthorn thorn stuck pretty much vertically into the tyre. Pulled it out, waited for the 'pffft' noise, nothing, so carried on to work, wondered whether I'd find a slow puncture when leaving work, but nothing

. I was well impressed!
HJ swears by Conti GatorSkins ...
As for cheap shopping,
this place often has good discounts (bought my spiked tyres there, way cheaper than anywhere in the UK), delivery for a fiver for a pair of tyres all the way from Germany, in 3-4 days in the middle of the Christmas delivery chaos, again well impressed. My bike-crazy cousin in Austria uses the site lots, too ...