WHO ate all the cakeThere was cake
That's a really nice website, @Brandane , thanks!According to the best weather forecast out there, MagicSeaweed.com, we are in for a battering from high winds and rain for at least the next week. Batten down the hatches, and I for one will not be venturing out on a bicycle .
@Col5632 , I did mean this morning (the warning would have disappeared after it expired at 9am - sorry should have taken a screenshot to avoid confusion...). It was pretty windy Chez T last night (keep quiet @mr messy ) - I woke up from a gust slamming into the house and shaking it. There were gusts of >50 mph forecast for Edinburgh this morning, which didn't materialise in the end. I looked out the window and went out on the bike, figuring that the worst that could happen was me coming to a halt if a headwind of that strength were to hit on the exposed parts of the commute. No danger of being blown into lorries or lorries being blown into me anyway. It was very pleasant in the end, +10C & dry, no more breezy than during the last few days.