Irn-Bru? Scottish Blethering Thread

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Leg End Member
Camping is sleeping outside. So you hate something you've never tried?
Then again you won't ride the String road or the Ross road on Arran because they aren't part of the One True Road.

Anyway this is getting perilously close to online harassment so I'll tone it down now...

Anyone ride into the back of a Royal Mail van recently?
Not this year.
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Here's a bit of fun if you've nothing better to do, find the little dot that represents 'you' on the map of Scotland.

Tip......It helps locate your position if you click on 'Mapbox Basemap', top right .
I'm such a mapping nerd - this is great!
Although I was able to find my old house (not a high rise!) in Glasgow from the plane while flying out of Edinburgh Airport last year so this presented no challenge...

Other sections on the site are pretty cool too.
I only go to proper sites with toilets and showers, I'm a wuss:cry:

I have went camping before, inside a tent. So that's not outside,
I've slept outside but I was inside clothes.


Leg End Member
I would but I always go with a woman who needs to have running water etc :evil:

We take a cooker, gas and electric when we do go camping now, made our trip to blackpool and Alton Towers much cheaper a few years back :okay:
Running Water: Stream
Cooker: Trangia
Gas: Gas conversion kit for above
Electric: Solar power(Some will even charge in moonlight. Lunar power?).
Running Water: Stream
Cooker: Trangia
Gas: Gas conversion kit for above
Electric: Solar power(Some will even charge in moonlight. Lunar power?).
Thanks for this, just added some more to my todo list:okay:
[ ] Buy water filter
[ ] Buy gas canisters
[ ] Sort out the electrics for my dynohub
[ ] Don't accidentally set house on fire testing camping stove


Straddle the line, discord and rhyme
I do drink a lot of whisky.
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