@Brandane You aren't driving on the A90 today by any chance, are you?

Just took the bin out and it is chucking it down. Looks almost like night time!
That made me smile as I remembered something from when I was over at my parents earlier today, around midday. We were discussing the Canberra move when my mother decided to look up the weather there and informed me it wasn't very good there because it was currently only 10C and that was a summer time temperature! Looking at my step-father I saw him smiling! My mother, bless her, had totally failed to take into account that that was a springtime temperature for starters... and that Canberra is at 600m above sea level and had a comparable weather to the UK... It even gets frosts as I pointed out to her dismay! My final pointer made me realise I can see that I am going to have to 'put up with' Skype calls at all times of day and night... as I pointed out to her that 10C
at night was actually OK for a temperature in spring to summer...
I think the last thing I do when I get my hands on her iPad is to install a 2nd clock on it telling her what time of day (in 24hr format) it is in Canberra so she can't claim she didn't know! <manic grin needed>