Back home alive

Beautiful morning, clear skies, didn't feel too cold or windy, dry roads, then ...

roads and pavements covered in sheet ice around Gilmerton, even the ice tyres slipped on the uphill as it got steeper

... So I abandoned my normal route and headed back to the main roads as quickly as I could, slipping sideways occasionally on the last wee bit of flat before I got there, but at least staying upright ... luckily no cars about at that point. Even some of the main roads had ice sheets on them

. Then back onto the wee stuff for the last bit to work - even the cycle path that the University people have been gritting religiously for the last few weeks, regardless of whether there was any ice, was an ice sheet in places ... arghhh! That was definitely my scariest commute ever

. On the way home I stuck to the main roads as much as possible, no problems, but the pavements and edges of the road were still covered in ice

. With 50+ mph gusts predicted for the next couple of days near work, I'll be chickening out of bike commuting for a couple of days

. Now, where are those running shoes?

Have found the granny crampons for my shoes now, they'll definitely go into my backpack.

Stay safe, CCers!