How Northern Are You?

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I am 100% blood Irish but lived most of my life in the North. I swap allegiance as and when it suits me. Irish passport for added credibilty.

When I was 16 I went to Lloret, my first time abroad with friends, I heard estuary english for the first time, and went into shock, I had no idea that men could sound like, I don't know, Jordan? I still move away from southerners when I am on the beach, they ruin my day..


What’s the point
has this descended into a monty python 4 yorkshiremen sketch yet.

and anyway wot about those afflicted with southernness


Leg End Member
T'isn't. Yorkshire is on t'other side o't Pennines and that's full of sheepsh*****s. Come on, if you were omnipotent would you really want a county full of sheepsh*****ers. I still think there's a page missing in the bible which contains "And on the 9th Day, God looked at Yorkshire and thought "oh cr** what happened there?". God then felt he'd better destroy it before it contaminated the rest of creation but the Devil persuaded him to keep it because after all "Hell is too good for some people"
What colour is the devil normaly depicted as & what colour is the lancashire rose?
Yorkshire, like it or not remains the only English County mentioned in the Bible & the only County who's National Anthem has been translated into & sung in over 100 languages.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
I'd elaborate further but I need to hasten and prepare the pea purée as the cheeky little accompaniment to supper for the chattering classes who are dining chez moi, ce soir!
Chin chin:cheers:


Rural Quebec
Yorkshire, like it or not remains the only English County mentioned in the Bible
When Samson said "Gorr Blimey" legend has it that the scribe who wrote it down couldn't understand his Cockney accent.
There is also evidence in the Black Sea Scrolls that when Mary explained to the innkeeper that she was in the pudding club she was referring to Yorkshire pudding giving some credence to your claim.


North Carolina
38% northern, somewhere around Oxford. I may need to start studying a little more so I can be a Rhodes Scholar. I will get started on that after I go to the grocery store and get some potatoes to fry and put some gravy on (which I actually do like :smile:).
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