How Northern Are You?

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Hip Priest

It says I'm only 55% Northern!

Am I eckers like.


Bionic Subsonic
T'isn't. Yorkshire is on t'other side o't Pennines and that's full of sheepsh*****s. Come on, if you were omnipotent would you really want a county full of sheepsh*****ers. I still think there's a page missing in the bible which contains "And on the 9th Day, God looked at Yorkshire and thought "oh cr** what happened there?". God then felt he'd better destroy it before it contaminated the rest of creation but the Devil persuaded him to keep it because after all "Hell is too good for some people"
Come on Martin, we all know Lancashire is only there to provide a rain shadow so more sun can shine on God's own County ;)
Chips and gravy... what level of decrepit stuff is that? :rolleyes: You don't sully chips with gloopy rubbish. Get a grip, you'll be putting curry on chips next.

Deleted member 23692

75% for me... I guess that's about right for Notts born and bred, now living in Carlisle


Started young, and still going.
I'm 60% northern, and although I have been up north quite a few times I really do come from north London.
Ah well, you know when you have arrived up north, the thermometer is hovering around the zero mark, there's a wind coming straight from Siberia and blokes are in t-shirts and teenage girls are wearing crop tops [someone else told me that, honest :blush:]
my understanding (and observation) is that they (those teenage girls) happen to wear slightly more than that.... honest :stop:

you need to add short skirts and high heals... (not to mention horrendous amounts of makeup... ) not sure if the high heals make them any warmer, but it does give them a better grip in the ice and snow!

(Perhaps I should edit this and include the fact that the boys probably wear something other than t-shirts as well, but given i went to an all girls school, I can't comment.)
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