How Northern Are You?

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Flim Flormally
100%, but I was playing from memory.


The Borough
Born and grew up in N.Ireland with a Cumbrian father.
I'm 33% Northern to that site so still have work to do to get rid of that awful legacy.

The Horse's Mouth

Proud to be an Inverted snob!
100% southern and proud of it.

Lets have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
I say!! I'm 32% Northern, putting me around Oxford.
Quite right too. I don't really like going north of Biggleswade.
Once you get past Peterborough, you're into glaciation and polar bears...


Dog on a bike
Gods County is on t'other side o'Pennines!
God's own county may well be red rose, but how many god's do you feel you need?
T'isn't. Yorkshire is on t'other side o't Pennines and that's full of sheepsh*****s. Come on, if you were omnipotent would you really want a county full of sheepsh*****ers. I still think there's a page missing in the bible which contains "And on the 9th Day, God looked at Yorkshire and thought "oh cr** what happened there?". God then felt he'd better destroy it before it contaminated the rest of creation but the Devil persuaded him to keep it because after all "Hell is too good for some people"
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