I think anyone cycling and not wearing a helmet is being selfish and irresponsible. - I agree entirely its upto them to decide to not wear one (actualy I don,t I think it should be a legal requirement along with high vis jacket&refelectores) , but who will look after them with brain damage, - who will support them, pay disability payments ect. - we will .
I personnally don,t care if you splat your head, but unless you die , some one else has to sort out your mess.
so wearing a helmet isn,t for your protection , its for everyones elses, who are going to have to sort out and support you after your own stupidity.
After all - do you remove the airbags and brakes from your car? no , but arn,t they safety devices? why should you be forced to have them?
but on the othr hand, a mate of my brother who handglides died because apparantly he had the wrong type of helmet on when he hit the side of a mountain. - so - Helmet,flak jacket, armoured underwear when your time is up , - your time is up.
I always find these post amusing as they acheive exactly the opposite of the intended result.
Lets take the basics.
1. Head injuries can be prevented by helmets
2. There is a financial burden on the NHS if you suffer a head injury
3. Your family will have to sort out the mess
4, You are irresponsible and stupid if you don't wear one
Now explain why if a pedestrian falls over the same does not apply they are not also stupid and irresponsible?
If a car driver has ahead injury is it cheaper to deal with that one, or support their disability than that of a cyclist?
Is a head injury to a person who has been in the pub less traumatic for the family as they "clear up the mess"?