Give me some dialogue from your day

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welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
14 yer old grandson stuffing biscuits down his throat in my home this afternoon.

Me. "How are your exams going"

Him "okay"

Me. " so what exam did you do today then.

Him. Geography and art.

Me. "Art ? What did you draw?"

Him. "I did stick men"

Me. " that's nice. Did it turn out as you wanted it to?"

Him. "No. Well sort of. I was ttrying to draw a cowboy wearing a cowboy hat, but it ended up looking like penis on top of his head. "

Me. :laugh::laugh:


not trying to tell you to suck eggs , but have a good read of BS5266 part 1 and the notes on Routine inspections and tests which are specified in BS EN 50172:2004, part 7.2.

there are several right ways to do it but only a few easy right ways.
Initially I've done a full test, monitoring at 1 hour and completing at 2 hours. This allows us to prioritise which units require immediate action.
Thereafter, just a monthly test to activate the lamps only.
As the building gets a full and immediate evaciation on activation of the alarm, a one hour duration should suffice anyway. ?.if ive done my homework right. The 2 hour duration is really only to assess how they're doing.
Thanks for the references. :okay:

Tin Pot



Heavily pregnant woman yelling into her phone, to a friend.




Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
Setting the scene: I was covering the life cycle of stars and one of the student was asking some deep and interesting questions until:

Pupil: "Sir, you know how we know the diameter of the sun"
Me: "Yes...."
Pupil: "Well how do they go about measuring it because its too hot to get anywhere near it?"
Me: "Thats easy. They do it at night when it's darker and cooler"
Pupil: "It's obvious when you think about it"
Me: as I try to choke back the laughter "Nnnngg"

Several seconds later as the pupils face displays the full story of his thought processes from acceptance to, "wait a minute' through the machinations of recovering every scrap of counter evidence to refute my claim....

Pupil: guffawing "Nice one sir! You really took me in on that one!"
Me: wiping tears from my eyes. "It's one of my best ones yet!"

The session continued with intermittent sniggers as we both remembered the dupe.


An unexpected visit by two Spanish engineers from the company that manufacture our citrus packing machines...
'Good morning Christian (we've met before In Spain and in the UK)..are you just here to look around ?'
' have a problem with one machine, it is alarming too frequently, we want to look and see why'
I'm slightly confused...:huh:?..'We weren't aware there was a problem'
'Its showing on the control system '..the machines are linked via the internet to Spain, they can see live data, production, alarms, etc etc.
I thought theyd come just for that reason, but they were in abother company 20 miles away so planned to drop in anyway. It was a simple fault, simple fix....but we still werent aware there was a problem in the first place :whistle:.


[QUOTE 3648077, member: 45"]This vacuum cleaner is rubbish! I only emptied it a few days ago and look how full it is already![/QUOTE]
Clearly it sucks.


Midlands UK
Yesterday we were in M&S, TVC was packing the bag.
The lad serving said to TVC: have you been trained to pack sir?
That made us both laugh, he has served us before and is a nice lad, I like to chat and have a giggle with people who work on the tills.
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