Dad: I had a woman reverse into me yesterday in Tweedmill car park.
Me (intrigued): What happened?
Dad: She was reversing out of a space behind me and took her foot off the brake and just let the car roll into me.
Me: Was there any damage?
Dad: Well she drove forward a bit and there was a big hole in the bumper of her car and a small scratch on the cover on my towbar.
Me: Did she exchange details?
Dad: Well I told your brother to get her numberplate as she drove off.
Me: So you didnt exchange details. So it is a hit and run?
Dad: No it isnt a hit and run because she stopped and spoke to me. She asked if I was reversing and my keys werent even in the ignition. She also said that the car was a company vehicle.
Me: It doesnt matter if she stopped, she refused to give you her details and drove off. It was hit and run.

Me: Aslo, if it was indeed a company car then when her employer questions her on the damage, she could give them your numberplate if she took it and the company could claim against you.
Dad: But if I make a claim against her then my insurance will go up and my car just isnt worth it. I dont care about the damage to my car, its just the insurance going up when it is due for renewal next month.
Me: But if you make a claim to her and state that she didnt exchange details, then her insurance will go up and she will have to answer questions from the police about not exchanging details. What is her numberplate?
Dad: D------, a white volvo.
(We have a quick search on the internet and the car is insured)
Dad: Come outside and help me with the stuff in the garage.
(We go out and have a look at the car)
Dad: See, thats the damage she has done (2 deep scratches in the rubber of the towbar cover).
Me: So she has damaged your car? Also, when is this scratch from? (massive thing the length of half the bumper)
Dad: I dont know. She must have dont that as well.
Me (I rub the scratch and find white paint): So she has definately damaged the car and didnt exchange details. You need to get in contact with the police and report it.
Dad: For what? My car isnt worth bothering with.
Me: But if she claims against you then your insurance will go up and questions will be raised as to why you didnt report it.

Me and your brother also felt a jolt (he then rubs his neck) when she hit.
Me: Oh you are useless arent you?
Dad: Why?
Me: You complain that someone hit you. She has damaged the car and hurt your neck, then drove off without exchanging details. And yet you dont want to do anything about it? I have had enough of talking to you.