This is one where your mouth could get you into trouble...
driving home last night, coming up a narrow street and two cars are facing off. The guy in the right held his ground and the guy in the wrong eventually backed up. The guy in the right then placed himself beside the other, wound down his window and started telling him he was in the wrong, he should have given way...blah blah blah. No doubting his moral high ground, he was absolutely right, but he seemed determined to reinforce the point, for what seemed like an eternity. It went on...and on...and on.
C'mon, i'm thinking while i wait, not so patiently.
So he pulled forward, and for some reason i said to him as he passed me (through open windows)
'perhaps a little less talk and a bit more driving, we can all get home then'
The response, i hadnt (unwisely) expected...
'YOU F-KIN WHAT!!!' he slammed his brakes on, no doubt now in a viler temper than he alreasy was.
I looked,he was shaven headed, looked about three times as big as me and looked really quite miffed
Discretion got the better of valour...and i made my waywith reasonable haste (but not so fast you;d think i was scared )
I consoled myself with the he was a big big fella, no doubt the type that like to intimidate people given half the chance (by the look of him)....well, i gave him something to spoil his evening. Must be more careful next time tho...![]()
So i'm taking the mickey out of Lukacz (sp. he's Polish, Lucas to us) one of the operators, he'd cocked something up, there was a lot of banter going on. He's a very happy, smiley kinda fella, likes to laugh.
I had a piece of paper in my hand and a pen..
'Hey Lucas, whats this' i asked as i drew the following...
(At this stage, i realise i cant copy and paste an anchor symbol onto the page, but imagine an anchor symbol)
'Err, its off a ship'
'Yes but what's it called'
'Its an anchor Lucas'
'Oh yes'
Then i drew a big W in front of it......
'What's it say now lucas ?'
'It says Wan..r Lucas, that's going to be on your name badge from now on'
His face lit up, he grabbed the paper...'Simone, Simone, whats this' he asked portugese Simone, pointing to the anchor...
He was off, happy as Larry, grabbing anyone that'd listen![]()
Me: Hello Mum.
Mum: You should have some music on.
Me: Yeah, I forgot to bring some up.
Mum: If you had some music on it wouldn't be so quiet up here.
Me: Yes, But I forgot to bring some up. I usually do but I also didn't think I would be working as long.
Mum: Even a radio would do. It would be company for you.
Me: I know, I have had music on before but I forgot to bring some up this time.
Mum: It must be really dull up here in silence. You should have some music on.
Me: I've had music on during last week and the weekend, I forgot this time.
Mum: It's a bit lonely for you up here without some music on. You should have a radio or something.
Me: *sarcastically* I hate working with music on, it is really annoying!
Mum: Is that your new window?
Me: No, its the roof hatch.
Mum: Oh.
Tie-Dye Jean "But we're going to need to create a tactical reference group to ensure compliance with the strategic direction of the .....
Oh, sorry Pat, never thought, should have put a warning...thinly veiled swearing, or something like that
(me no like)
Something like this, you mean?
You need a proper builder's tranny left up there - all paint spattered, and with a bit of bent wire for an aerial...![]()