' said the wife to me, nearly in tears, still shaking and looking all flummoxed.
We've had a mouse in the cupboard in the kitchen, its eaten through some cereal boxes, so weve had to mesh the brick vents, assuming thats where he got in.
The wife is quite nervous about them, she's paranoid they're going to come back, suggesting their annaihilation by any means possible. Just about everything in the cupboard has been thrown away and restocked.
So in a 'playful' moment, i got one of those plastic life sized squirrels out of the garden and slid it on top of one of the new cereal cartons...and waited.
KIN ELLLLLL !!!!, she opened the door, uttered something that wouldnt come out, bolted upright, looked like she was getting an electric shock, threw herself backwards and ran out of the kitchen.
Moments later, tears welling up in her eyes, heart beating like the clappers, she promised swift and terrible retribution.
I'm sorry baby, (

), if i'd have known (

), i'd have never done it, (

Ten minutes later, i'm sat in the kitchen.......PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....

She's letting my tyres down