during a flying lesson yesterday:
Instructor: 'Fancy doing some harsh turns?'
Me: 'Urmmm, why not!'
*instructor Banks to 65 degrees*
Me:'You want me to do that?'
Instructor: 'Yes, give it a go'
I either have tiny bollocks or can't handle and aircraft properly - I managed about 50 degrees. I'm going to go with a mixture of tiny bollocks and not being able to handle and aircraft properly -
seeing as it was the first bloody time I had ever been in any sort of aircraft that isn't stationary.
It was a long lesson, so by the end of it we were practicing lining up with the runway, taking off and approaches.
First time I just followed through (not in the poo sense, followed on the controls) landing, take off, down wind and all that stuff.
The second time he showed me how to line up,
He then took us around for another go,I lined up my self and he took the control just before landing.
He then said: 'You've got control, I want you to take off and copy what we've been doing.'
Me: 'Cool, ok!'
Took off (even if it was with a pathetic climb!), turned, did down wind, turned and lined up.
Instructor: 'Think you can land it?'
Me: 'Think we'd survive?'
Instructor: 'Possibly, you're pretty good at this!'
Me: 'I'll urmmmm....I'll probably be best to let you sort the landing out for now'

Instructor: 'haha, only asked because I knew you wouldn't want too!'
Thoroughly happy with the experience though, that's 4 hours under my belt now

Not bad considering on Friday, I had never been in an aeroplane! I've now flown one for a good 2 hours, been in one for 4 hours and I'm going to Barcelona tomorrow!
The instructor did say that it's not usual for noobies to do that sort of stuff, but I seem to have a bit of a knack for it - Might have to give up cycling and have this as my new hobby - It'd probably end up costing less