Puzzle game procrastinator!
- Location
- Todmorden - Yorks/Lancs border
Unbelievable isn't it, but unfortunately it still goes on!I remember a similar one with Islington Council Poll Tax department back in 1991.
Me: Hello, I'd like my brother's name removed from the poll tax record as he died last week.
PT officer: That's no problem. Just get your brother to write to us confirming he is no longer at the address and what his current address is.
Me: I can't do that, he is dead, he died last week.
PT Officer: I can't change the register for a person without their permission.
Me: I can bring his ashes in next week and you can ask him.
PT Officer: There's no need to be difficult about it!
Me (with a raised voice): I'm not the one being difficult! I can't get his f'king permission as he is DEAD! Which bit of DEAD do you not f'king understand!
PT Officer: Security!