Machine operator to me...'look, there's holes in it'
Yes i know, thats what i'm working on'
2 minutes later, while i have my head in the machine, watching carefully to see whats going on...
Machine operator to me...'look, there's holes in it'
Yes i know, thats what i'm working on'
At more or less the same time, machine operator No2 says to me (while i'm already busy on the first machine)'....'the weld isnt very good on this one'
'let me see to this, then i'll work on that one'
Machine operator No1 keeps bugging me, so i start to exlpain it takes time, i'm still learning the machines intricacies...
Me...'its going to take.......'
Op No 1 cuts in before i've finished my sentence...'yes but this ones usually good'
Me...'yes, but i need time to...
Op No 1 cuts in before i've finished my sentence...'but blah blah blah'

Three times he did that.
'Are you going to listen to what i'm trying to tell you or are you going to keep butting in

Jesus H Christ !!!' (and then i hate myself for losing my patience....i consider myself polite and understanding)
FFS, working with immigrant labour sometimes does your head in.
Op No1 (Polish) a nice fella but his problems are the worlds worst, nothing else matters...nothing.
Op No2 (Portugese) is also nice, but lazy and talks so damn fast and with a strange accent i can rarely understand what the hell he's saying.
We also have Line Leader (Polish) who talks even faster, its really a job to keep up.
Op No 3 (Polish)...quiet fella, nice, but whatever you explain to him, he says yes....but you know he hasnt understood.
It really is a wonder companies dont throw their hands in the air in desperation.
Line leader Val (English) told Op No 3 today NOT to start the machine before he's given her a sample label.
I'm talking to Val some minutes later...the machine starts up
Val....'Oiiiiii, i just told you........'
She turned to me....
Todays been a bad day...worst ive had in a year maybe, does it show