I HATE it when people get all surprised when you don't know the answer to what is to them...a simple question. It is a simple question, but in that moment, one I didn't know the answer to. We covered diversity, health and safety, company dress code, blah blah blahdy blah, a veritable tsunami of info.
Trainer...repeating a training session I probably did 5 or 7 years ago

, using a PowerPoint on her laptop.
'What timescale should you allow after diahorrea before coming back to work ?'
Now, I hadn't needed to ask that, know that or had it in maybe 10 years, barring that nugget of info 5 or 7 years ago....so I reply...
'Meh, maybe 3 days'
'It's 48 hours' she replied with a hint of surprise in her voice.
'Ok' I shrugged.
She continued explaining the reasons why like we are all schoolkids. Yeah yeah, I know why we need to do it I thought, I might be a bit slow sometimes but I'm not a fcuk wit.
So I start getting impish....
'Will we get this info on paper...not just the sickness reporting, but all the stuff we've been discussing?'
'Well no....we are trying to reduce our carbon footprint etc etc'
'Yebbut, we've discussed a deluge of company info, on top of the deluge of work related info I have to digest....in 3 days I won't even remember half of what we've talked about'
'Oh, well if you have any doubt about having diahorrea, just ask your supervisor '
'Sorry, you're not understanding...it's not about the sickness reporting, it's the amount of stuff we've talked about I need to remember. I'm not being awkward...I genuinely could refer back to some of this stuff later, it'd be useful to have a copy'
She isn't having it

'If you're not sure just ask your supervisor'
I soooooo had to bite my tongue...I was soooooo close to saying....
'So we can't have a paper copy then ?'