'What the blooming hell

' said I as I surveyed a machine from my past, one from a former employers, it's stripped and spread all over the floor, wires, pipes, valves all over the place in my former employers workshop.
'Yeah, the engineer stripped it to paint it'...explained a former colleague.
'That's not going back together, they might as well scrap it'
(Imagine someone Inexperienced removing your engine, stripping all, and I mean all, the parts, wires, hoses etc off it and tossing it all in a pile, that's what I was looking at.)
Former colleague continued....
'Nah, he said he knows how it goes back together'
'I had about 15 years experience of those, I've stripped them, loads of them but never like that...that's just ridiculous. I couldn't put that back together

'He said he knows what he was doing...but he's gone now, went sick...stress apparently'
'Cr&p...he's done a runner because he's messed up big style, you might as well chuck that lot in a skip'
Another current colleague chipped in..
'That's annoyed you hasn't it '
'Absolutely scandalous, £5k to £10 K worth of machinery cream crackered , I'd be fookin volcanic if I was the boss.'