And today's history lesson, conducted by my mum, aged 87.
Mum....'Bl00dy Trump, he'll start another war'

'He's a dangerous man, I think a lot of people feel uneasy about him'
'Well, if there's another war, I don't want to be here for it'
I thought, blimey mum

...she continued....
'Mind, the last one didn't effect us much....Mrs *****house got bombed but apart from that, it was OK in Boulmer (Northumberland)'...
I though 'eh

?' But she continued....
'If you had a spare room you had to let it out to evacuees, we had a family from London, Mrs xxxx, her husband and their daughter Daphne, her and me got on so well, we spent all outer time together, their son was killed in the blitz'
I used a pause to butt in...
'Why did Mrs *** house get bombed ? We're there factories nearby, docks maybe ?'
'No, there was nothing like that'
'So why bomb someone's house '
'Oh the silly fool left her washing out that night'

'Eh ?....left her washing out mum ? , what the heck has that got to do with getting bombed ?'
'You weren't supposed to, the whites must have been seen by the bombers so they just dropped them knowing people were there'
'Ooooh, an opportunistic bombing then'
'Oh yes, the wardens used to go round warning you if you left a gap in the curtains or your washing out'
Good grief...