Give me some dialogue from your day

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Hol den Vorschlaghammer!
One time when I was working at McDonald's:

Me: You know that 2 cheeseburgers for 99p offer, can I have 2 hamburgers instead? [It was a long time ago. I'd have said yes without even asking a manager.]
Till Girl: Sorry, it's just cheeseburgers.
Me: Right, I'll have 2 cheeseburgers without cheese, and [some other stuff].
(Till girl goes to Wrap & Call.)
TG: Can I have two cheeseburgers without cheese, please?
Big Bloke on Wrap & Call: You mean two hamburgers?


A few examples of work banter lately...
4 of us are sat round the table, one complains his car was shoddy repaired...
I reply...
'Was probably the apprentice did it'...and continued, turning to our apprentice....
'I mean, look at ours :whistle:'
Much guffawing from everyone, apprentice included and he finished with a plaintiff...'oi':tongue:

We engineers are for the most part left alone, tea break when we like, as long as we like (unofficially, but we don't overdo it).
The packhouse staff get half an hour, it's bedlam, all frantically trying to get a microwave, you often see 3 or 4 people queuing for one.
Edgar is in one such queue, looking cheesed off, seeing his break disappearing, and he hasn't even eaten yet.
I wink at the guys on our table and call over...
'Edgar...c'mon, I've only got an hour for my dinner, I need that microwave before you' :thumbsup:
A toothy grin is returned along with some (I suspect) Lithuanian expletives :ninja::laugh:


Walking t'hound in t'woods, I catch up with a woman who passed me at quite a speed a few minutes before. She's pausing in her 'reps'.

Me: No offense, but you look terrifyingly fit.
Her: Oh. Thanks. Well, I've only done one rep. Wait till I've finished all six - I'll be on my knees.
Me: Un-hunh...seriously though, you look like a cyborg or something.

She punches the air.

Her: Yes! I'll take that.

..and off she runs.


Not sure being called a cyborg is always taken as a complement - you may have been very lucky there!
You're right, and I was a bit nervous about it, which is why I started with the 'no offense', but I hoped she'd take it the right way, and she did. And in my defence, she really did look like a cyborg. Not a gram of fat, washboard stomach, the whole bit.


Legendary Member
Sat in a Managers Meeting this afternoon, in the head of service's office and we notice, after an hour or so that someone has slipped his payslip under the door.

Head of Service "Who has put that under the door and why?"

My boss "They probably couldn't pick it up, due to the weight of it"

He did see the funny side!

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Sat in a Managers Meeting this afternoon, in the head of service's office and we notice, after an hour or so that someone has slipped his payslip under the door.

Head of Service "Who has put that under the door and why?"

My boss "They probably couldn't pick it up, due to the weight of it"

He did see the funny side!
The Nhs has not moved to E-pay slips yet? :ohmy:


'Hey hey hey, don't kick the bl00dy trays around, no need for it :angry:' I shouted to a line operative.
Line leader alerted me to a defective sensor on the line causing an empty tray conveyor to overfeed. As I'm looking at it, it started overfeeding again causing trays to spill off onto the floor, causing some perhaps natural frustration for one operative, but an unnecessary reaction as he full bloodedly booted them across the floor.
He muttered something about it being dangerous...'So step away for now then' :headshake:I told him.
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