There I was, shopping in my local Co - Op, and I was waiting for a small boy to move so I could get into the chilled cabinet where I could get what I wanted. Initially I didn't think he looked very happy.
Boy's Dad: 'Come on, we need to go!
..... What's wrong?...... You ok??'
The boy is standing making a strange face, looking at me and his Dad.
Boy's Dad: 'You can't stand there all day, come on!'
The penny finally drops (along with presumably something else)
Boy's Dad: 'You are doing the toilet, aren't you??'
The boy just stands there with the same expression on his face
BD: 'Oh come on, we'll have to get you sorted'
The Dad is starting to laugh (as am I) and picks the boy up. As he's walking away I say
'Well, it is the best place to do it!'
The Dad disappears round the corner and I hear hoots of laughter from some ladies.
I continue shopping and never smell a thing (not that I was hanging about).
What was the aisle?? Yep, you've guessed it, it was.....
...... The fresh produce aisle!!