Been a helluva day...manic at work, no coffee break between 9.30 and 4.30, just rammed my sandwiches down my neck at 2ish.
Home, rush to get granddaughter ready to go back to her mums (my wife has been sitting for her all day)....and breathe...

...what a day, now, we're both starving and no tea prepared.
'Fish and chips ?'
'Yep, that'll do'
So in an effort to slow down and relax, we sat and ate tea on the field next to the chippie. Lovely, relaxed and sunny and just chatted. Got up, wandered across to the bin outside the chippie, deposited the wrappers, back to the car and set off home. Withing 500 yards....
'Where's my wallet

Turned round, rushed to the spot we'd been sat...nothing. Checked the car, nothinh. Walked into the chipshop...
'I didn't leave my wallet here did i'
'No sorry'
'Hmmmm, thanks....hang on, I wonder if I had it in my hands when I put the wrappers in the bin...I'm gonna root through it

'Do you want some gloves ?'..chip shop lady asked.
'No its OK, my rubbish is right at the top'
Picked up the top layer....and there it was
