Give me some dialogue from your day

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Cycling through Lings Woods today, I passed a lady walking her wandering dog. I gave a quick ding-a-ling on my bell so she knew I was approaching.
She got her dog to the side of the track as I went past.
"Good boy" said she
"Thank you" said I
"I was talking to the dog" she retorted
"So was I" I quipped....



Re member eR
Last Saturday evening:

A small family gathering, a few fireworks and sparklers, a bit of a bonfire. Sitting down in the warm after letting off the fireworks my 5 year old grandaughter leaned over and whispered in my ear;

''This is the best day...............ever !'' It wasn't just the firework party it was that she had her older sister back home after a couple of worrying weeks in hospital.

Fair brought a tear to my eye.:wub:


Not my dialogue, not my day, but that just reminded me of one my sis sent me a week or two back. I'll let her take up the story...

Whilst in the queue to pay, I was standing next to a stand that had all sorts of Halloween crap on it, including ghoulish masks. Standing there, thinking about going home and putting out food for the cats and hedgehogs, I wasn't paying that much attention to those around me. And then, there was a tug on my CFP waistcoat. I glanced around thinking that maybe it was somebody who knew me from CFP or maybe somebody had just brushed past me, I couldn't see anybody and so went back to thinking of the cats etc.

A couple of minutes later, there was another tug, more insistent this time. As I looked down this time, there was a tiny Indian child, maybe 3 or 4 years old and she asked me "Do you like Halloween?" and I said, without thinking," No, I don't". She looked for an instant, crestfallen. But then she put her shoulders back and looked me straight in the eye (from her height, not easy) and said quite firmly, "Well, I do". And that was it. End of conversation.


I happened to remember a conversation long ago over the table with many colleagues...
One guy complained....
'Struggled to find enough money to put petrol in the car last night so I could take the wife shopping...I'm gonna buy a bike'
One of the guys replied...
'Whatcha gonna to work to save money ?'
Deadpan, he replied...
'No way, I'm going to send her shopping on it ' :huh:

His poor wife :stop:...but it was funny :giggle:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
What ?... you can't deny a British person his/her inalienable right to have a right good old moan...I dunno, what's the world coming to :sad:...^_^

It does get a bit irritating after about the 53rd tme though
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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Lucky! :okay:

I nipped to the local supermarket before getting a lift up to Scotland last week. My wallet had been stolen a few weeks ago so I'd had to get a replacement wallet, bank card, railcard, library card etc. I had got £140 spending money for my holiday in the new wallet at the store ...

The dialogue ...

Checkout woman to my back as I walked away with shopping bags: Excuse me, sir. Sir! SIR! SIR - YOU HAVE LEFT YOUR WALLET BEHIND!!

ColinJ: Aaaargh, thanks for that - I am half deaf, and fully stupid - I would have been halfway to the Highlands before I noticed! :blush:

I bought some chocolate and put my wallet down while I put the goodies in my pocket! Fortunately, the customer behind me in the queue was honest and called me back ... :blush::banghead:


Some cycling related conversation today...
My wife, this morning...
'You going out on the bike today ?'
'Hmmmm, it's cold, I might wait till later, see if it warms up a bit'
Minutes later after mulling it over in my head....
'Sod it Colin, (talking to myself) ... stop faffing about....I'm going for it'
'Ok' replied my wife.

'Did you have a good ride ?' She asked...
'Brilliant, thoroughly enjoyed it'...'One thing I've noticed though, I don't overtake anyone nowadays...they all overtake me :laugh:'
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