Chip shop last night, I'm waiting for my order, late 20s woman with circa 8 YO daughter. Daughter seems a bit hypo, natter natter natter, a bit loud and animated.
Then mum chirps up and I didnt fall far from that tree...

Mum to chip a grating, loud and slightly annoying voice...
You goin aaht new years ?'
'Yeah, im gunna get pissed down blah blah'
'Yeah, I gunna get pissed an'all...blah blah blah'
Lovely I thought, your kids stood there

'Mam, mam, maaaam' the kid kept trying to get her attention. Chip frier continued...
'You going to school reunion ?'
'No way...not there, i was never there anyway, i hated school, hated the teachers. Got better things to do with my time'
'Wot, like getting pissed somewhere else ?'
'Yeah, goin down blah blah'
And so the innane drivel continued, jeesus, as we used to say at work..
'I'd sooner nail my cream crackers to a telegraph pole using rusty nails and a bent hammer'...than spend any more time listening to that.